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Judo all age are obedient

Wednesday, 18 December 2013, 10:25
Judo all age are obedient

Conversations on judo, sambo, Japan,vadza and culture of martial arts.

The judo World Cup among the veterans, passing in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, from November 23 to November 26, brought together about 700 athletes from 20 countries. Best of all Russian national team acted: our athletes won 77 awards: 25 gold, 17 silver and 35 bronze. From them residents of Chelyabinsk won five medals, including three gold, silver and bronze.

One of participants — Victor Batuyev, the former sambo wrestler, the teacher of physical culture in the settlement of Dolgoderevensk, prepared for the world championship long and persistently. In the United Arab Emirates it overcame rivals from Latvia and Turkey, and the Latvian — in only nine seconds. He agreed to tell about the impressions of tournament to "Vecherke":

— The victory in the judo World Cup among veterans — is result of common efforts, and first of all — our trainer Mikhail Ivanovich Elatomtsev who helped me, to the sambo wrestler, to master subtleties of east type of single combats and to pass world tournament without defeats. And in general, it would be desirable to express gratitude to many people — to Yury Fedorov, Valery Makeev, pedagogical staff of Argayashsky agrarian technical school and its director Tatyana Krutikhina. And also I express huge gratitude to sports club "Soyuz" and "SVEChEL" firm which provided me with necessary equipment. As for the tournament organization, there were also weak places, in my opinion: we have in case of large competitions at every turn a heap of any extensions, indexes and when we arrived to Abu Dhabi — nothing was seen in general. The ignorant person never would guess that global competitions here are held. For those who already aged, such competitions give excellent opportunity to act — unlike sambo in which I was engaged earlier: there after competitions it was necessary to be restored long enough.

Danil Vasilyev, the silver prize-winner of competitions, also told us about the championship:

— At first I passed an open-class of performances, then veterans began to come to a carpet. The organization of tournament was at rather high level, but as Victor noticed, there were defects, but generally — competitions of world level that here will tell. Among rivals there were many worthy opponents, but obviously expressed leader wasn't. Yes, I conceded in the final to the Frenchman, took the second place, and at the third step there was a resident of Magnitogorsk — it is visible that in South Ural judo a popular sport. I intend to act further, it would be desirable to become, of course, and the champion of Europe, in the following championship which will take place in Donetsk, in Ukraine, and the world champion. I want to add that I devote the victory to the former trainer — to Anatoly Semenov. And separate thanks needs to be told and to Vitaly Ulyanenko — my friend and the former pupil of Semenov who nowadays is the Moscow businessman, it sponsored my trip to Arab Emirates.

Now, by words Danila, judo development in Russia gathers very big turns, especially judging by veteran movement: those who acted earlier and for some reason I didn't achieve outstanding results, begin all over again and achieve results. It as is called at judoists, "the second wave", opportunity slightly to prolong youth. However, judoists noted one essential lack of competitions — a huge admissible error when weighing. Gennady Shaykhulin, one of participants, for example, drove two days weight, and participants from other countries got up on scales, having one-two extra kilos, and it affected wrestling. And those participants who came later, already knew about it and didn't drive weight. And excess two kilograms on a ring — essential advantage.

Mikhail Elatomtsev, the honored sambo and judo coach of Russia, forced to look at this type of single combat slightly under other, absolutely unexpected corner:

— I for fun sometimes say that stamped children, as coins gold. That the person became rather outstanding judoist, two qualities are necessary to it only — goodwill and tranquillity, differently you "will burn down". It is necessary to lead the state to a condition of running water. Those who excessively becomes hysterical and worries, quickly burn out. I won't begin to be over-modest: for the life I comprehended judo, I could make it. I began with sambo, of course, but there is between these types of martial arts a difference. In sambo you do receptions, and in judo — vadza. Vadza can conditionally be translated as I "conduct", I "cut". Everything is reduced to grace of the actions, as in figure skating.

And I already somehow spoke — we will show that we can! We will show that we are able that we are in this city, and about us learn around the world! In Russia judo still in many respects "sambichesky" — is psychology of people such, "sovok", sambo after all at us appeared earlier. "Yes you that, where against sambo! " — actually the person who sambo is engaged, can easily pass to judo, but here the subtleties are available. Judo initially appeared in Japan, and even at competitions there were participating Japanese already at rather deep age: the senior was 85 years old!

Danil Vasilyev didn't fail to note it:

— You will look — goes halfbent, there is a wish to help to reach a chair and when puts on dzyudogu(a kimono. — author) also comes to a carpet — absolutely other person. In Japan judo — is cultural part of the country, their state of mind. And in Russia — sports, start up also rather popular. From here and difference. It is necessary to pay tribute to such people: all right those to whom slightly for 30 — it is yet that age to reflect on completion of career. And people to whom already for 50, is closer to 60 — we have to be proud of them, they gathered, came to a carpet, participate in competitions of world level! Trainings, goal, problems with health any — and people try, try, go forward. Also it is an excellent example.

What here you will tell? Really, it is worthy respect. And we with all the heart hope that our judoists yet time will prove to be on a carpet! And we will wish them good luck!



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