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Meeting of executive committee of OO "BFD"

Thursday, 04 July 2013, 10:42
Meeting of executive committee of OO

In the first day of July in a conference room of OSK "Stayky" passed meeting of executive committee of Public combining "Belarusian Federation of Judo". Members of executive committee took part in meeting V.G.Yaprintsev, V.V.Ivanyuk, V.N.Martynovich, Yu.Ya.Samodumsky, M.K.Ramazanov and S.A.Buyakevich. Among invited there were trainers of the National team, leading trainers from areas.


1 . About totals of the European championship of U-18 among the cadets who have passed in Tallinn (Estonia).

Speaker S.V.Korneychik

2 . About a course of preparation for involvement in the World Cup of 2013 among cadets in Miami (USA) which will pass on August 7-11 and to the Olympic days of youth of Europe in the Dutch Utrecht.

Speaker S.V.Korneychik.

3 . About organization and carrying out totals in Minsk the international Olympic camp (рандори) under the auspices of ESD from June 11 to June 20, 2013.

The speaker the head coach of the National team of Republic of Belarus on judo M.K.Ramazanov.

4 . Miscellaneous

The agenda was approved by members of executive committee – solidly.

On the first question the high trainer of the youthful national team of RB Sergey Korneychik reported.

- In Tallinn 16 athletes appeared: ten young men and six girls. All these athletes benefited in total only five fights. Within half a year members of the national team rather successfully appeared on Cups of Europe. But that that happened to them in Tallinn I can't explain even now: uncertainty, a certain shyness before rivals, full ignoring of trainer's installations. Mogilevchanin Vladislav Burd couldn't drive weights in necessary 50 kg. I will mark, as the toss was for us rather rigid, selecting in rivals, often, future prize-winners. Dmitry Minkov and Nikita Svirid the fights began rather surely, on a course of start duels order at the Georgian wrestlers, but then passed attacks of rivals and conceded

Vasily Baranovsky who has appeared in debate marked that our athletes neither in technique, nor didn't concede in tactics to the rivals. But here about character of each of them! Our judoists completely had no aggression in relation to rivals. They often began the active actions only after two note "shido". And after all for a victory it is necessary "to wrestling"!

The chairman of the Belarusian federation of judo Vladimir Yaprintsev marked that the fault for unsuccessful performance of judoists lies not only on the head coach of the national team, but also on personal trainers of athletes. In their Tallinn was nine. – I will mark, what on Minsk "рандори" there were only 22 athletes, V. Yaprintsev, – Where our remaining experts and their pupils continued? In spite of the fact that we created all conditions – the result isn't present!

Leonid Svirid: – It was, in fact, our last year's command. Before the championship in a series of Cups of Europe looked much better. And in Tallinn we were psychologically not ready. Ruslan Knolik stopped in growth, much bigger waited from Egor Voropayev who has lost to the Estonian.

Sergey Skomarovsky: – Probably, there was any combination of circumstances! Maybe it isn't necessary to pursue a rating, instead of to be afraid to participate in the strong tournaments. For example, in Tver tournament very much the strong. Let many take offense that a row of its participants on age "закошены", but after all and after defeat from the strong competitor it will be possible to be trained two more days on рандори with the same strong judoists

Bagirov accumulated: – Once the orchestra seats were our "crown". And now our pupils don't wrestling lying.

Valery Martynovich: – All of us waited not for such result. Attentively analyzed our performances at youthful competitions for all years. Such unsuccessful performance yet wasn't! It is necessary to set up children on the positive examples. Wrestlers are necessary!

Mahomed Ramazanov: – It is necessary to give more attention to psychological preparation. To be more exacting to the pupils! To trainers to integrate for achievement of the maximum result! Monitoring over operation of the youthful national team is necessary.

Vasily Ivanyuk: – In Republican school of the Olympic reserve the judo hall opens. Let it also will be a venue of trainings of the youthful national team. From instructors of the national team it is necessary to ask with all severity.

Vladimir Yaprintsev: – We aren't going to abuse you, but something should be done. We have no other children, it is necessary to work with these. It is possible to tell, Sergey Vyacheslavovich that you didn't cope with an objective. After all means for achievement of result it was selected enough. Psychological preparation needs to pay primary attention! What Slovenes in the last European championship were one many stronger than us? No. But they worked, as robots – only forward!

Performance of a national team in the European championship among cadets to consider as the resolution of presidium of the Belarusian federation of judo – N е at д about in l е t in about р and t е-l ь N ы m.

On the second question the high trainer of the youthful national team of RB Sergey Korneychik appeared. – The Olympic festival of youth of Europe will take place in the Dutch Utrecht on July 12-20. By trainers are assigned Beslan Pishtikov and Victor Bukhval. Departure of a command as a part of 12 participants (eight – the young man and four girls) is planned. Today trainer collection with total number of participants – 25 people begins. We plan a gain of two medals. With this composition it is real.

On the World Cup in Miami we plan to expose five participants, two from them at the expense of the sports and tourism Ministry. Three remaining at the expense of NOK RB. Costs of one participant – 45 million Belarusian rubles.

Task: to win 1-2 medals. Considering that these competitions become selection to junior Olympic Games. For a gain of the license it is necessary to enter into the eight of the strongest in weight categories: at young men – 55, 66, 81 and 100 kg; at girls of 44, 52, 63 and 80 kg.

Vladimir Yaprintsev: – the priority needs to be given to participants in these weight categories!

On the third question of the agenda the head coach of a national team of RB Mahomed Ramazanov appeared.

- Traditional Minsk рандори passed from July 11 to July 20. There arrived judoists of 22 countries with a total number of participants – 320 people. Members of a national team well worked on these collections, the plan was executed. Dmitry Shershan was injured only. In case of all difficulties the administration of OSK "Flocks" could place all wishing, organize a good supply. The federation rang round principals of regional structures, calls were sent. However, units responded only. There were no high trainers of areas. Our many instructors even had no motivation, desire to work at such collections where in a system stood five Olympic champions, tens prize-winners of world and continental forums.

Question Yu.Ya. Self-Duma: – What tasks were put before members of a national team?

M Ramazans.:Это increase of special physical preparation. And also acquisition of experience of the international duels. Further preparation for the World Cup which will take place at the end of August.

Bagirov accumulated: Five people of a national team go on University games. Remaining will continue to prepare for the World Cup. Randori gave the chance to our athletes to check himself in opposition with very strong rivals.

Valeria Martynovich: – It is necessary to check operation of trainers on places. And after all many of them like to give advice to a manual, thus working only for two hours in day.

Vasily Ivanyuk: – The federation made everything to expand a circle of participants рандори from among the Belarusian athletes and trainers. I will mark the big help of JSC Traypl.

Vladimir Yaprintsev: – It is necessary that the ministry sent on places letters with an assessment of involvement of each area in international рандори. It is necessary to increase overall performance of trainers on places. To invite them to trainer collections of a national team. To hold with them seminars with the invitation of leading trainers of the world.

On the fourth question members of executive committee and trainers discussed problems of moving of athletes, changes by them of establishments of education and sports, instructors.

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