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Monday, 22 July 2013, 10:33

On the World university games the Minsk judoist Marina Slutskaya went to Kazan to be rehabilitated for the fifth place on similar tournament of two-year prescription

The girl extremist counted on "gold". However it wasn't succeeded to reach the treasured purpose. Nevertheless it took "bronze".

— The most difficult turned out a duel against Larissa Tserich from Bosnia and Herzegovina — Marina tells. — After all to it I lost in the recent European championship among youth. And I conceded very offensively — in three seconds prior to the meeting termination. It was the duel for an exit in the ending. The account by the end of opposition was equal. One attack was necessary to me. I undertook then rash reception and I failed it. And Larissa became the champion of Europe. But now I returned a debt — on personal meetings at us a draw 2:2. In general outside a tatami we are girlfriends. We communicate on social networks, at competitions. Opposition for University games "bronze" with Ukrainian Anastasia Sapsay turned out not such persistent. With it we worked at collecting in couple. It was sure that I will win. Presentiments didn't deceive …

— How you have a rest after competitions?

— We have a rest? ! We work in a mode of non-feet. After all on a nose the adult World Cup. After return from Kazan at once continued trainings. On Thursday we go to Germany on the Cup of Europe. It is the last control start before the World Cup. On a permit game on this tournament. On its results trainers will solve who will go on a world championship and who will stay at home. For example, if on the Cup of Europe you fulfill poorly, for certain you will be left in the basket of the World Cup.

— If I am not mistaken, since the next season you pass to adult group of athletes?

— There is a such. I compete with adults the second year. Transition is given not so simply. Many thanks to trainers Leonid Svirid and Simeon Gumanov. It was heavy to be reconstructed on adult wrestling, to understand psychology, philosophy. But gradually I got used and I could win last year on the World Cup in Tallinn, and then at similar competitions in Tashkent.

— Speak, you conduct a site of fans of judo?

— About four years ago with the judoist from Minsk Sascha Steshenko decided on this step on a voluntary basis. Native, relatives, friends, fans wanted to know about our performances on tournaments. Together coped. We interrogate prize-winners of competitions, we do selections of interview to athletes which finished career. Plus constantly we prepare reports on tournaments, we congratulate trainers and athletes on important events in their life. But because of a lack of time not always it turns out to fill a page quickly.

— With what your way to judo began?

— Was engaged in the childhood if not in all sports, many — table tennis, swimming, basketball … Then I got to wrestling. In two years I turned into judo. With this sport the novel lasts years eight. Parents were categorically against my occupations by single combats. It was necessary to escape on trainings without their permission. Then the father and mother reconciled, especially when medals in national championships, tournaments went.

Denis Golub


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