"Today I officially finished career", Sheyn Karvin on the twitter wrote. "I thank the family, the friends and the fans. Pursue big dreams. Yes god will bless you!"
Career Karvina began in 2005. Since 2008 he acted in UFC. All the 12 victories he achieved ahead of schedule — seven knockouts and five delivery of the rival. It reached the biggest success in 2010 when knocked out Frank Mira in the first round and became the temporary champion in heavy weight.
After that in fight for a regular title of the champion it nearly didn't kill Brock Lesnar in the first round in orchestra seats, but was compelled to be given in the second. It carried out the last fight in June, 2011 in which conceded to future champion Dzhunior Dos Santos the unanimous decision of judges.
After fight about DOS Santos Karvin laid down on operation of a back and on return had to meet Roy Nelsonom. But this fight wasn't fated to take place as by Karvin's preparation hard I injured a knee.
Author Vovan Zamorsky