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Americans presented the World Cup-2014 logo in Los Angeles

Monday, 10 February 2014, 15:15
Americans presented the World Cup-2014 logo in Los Angeles

On a site teamusa.org is presented the World Cup logo on free-style wrestling which will pass on March 15-16 in Los Angeles .

On the emblem made by the sports marketing company from Colorado Springs, wrestlers, flags of the countries of teams-participants and a star on the wrestling mat, symbolizing the international unity are represented. In the next few days also the commercial to the World Cup in which registration final fight of Games in London American Jordan Barrows with Iranian Sadekh Gudarzi is used will be presented.
The national teams of ten countries will participate in the World Cup-2014: Iran, Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, USA, Armenia, India, Turkey, Japan and Mongolia. They acquired the right to act in Los Angeles by results of the last year's World Cup in Budapest.
The previous Cup of the world on free-style wrestling passed in Tehran in February, 2013. Then the honourable trophy was won by owners of a carpet — the Iranians, the second place was taken by Russian national team, the third — the national team of the USA.


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