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Krasnoyarsk school students will be told about Ivan Yarygin

Tuesday, 14 January 2014, 09:35
Krasnoyarsk school students will be told about Ivan Yarygin

From January 13 to January 23 in educational institutions of Krasnoyarsk will take place the open lessons devoted to life and achievements of the legendary Krasnoyarsk wrestler Ivan Yarygin

They will pass in 7 comprehensive schools, Krasnoyarsk agrarian technical school and Professional school No. 33. Ivan Yarygin – the great athlete and the founder of the international tournament largest in edge" becomes a subject of lessons ". Within classes which will be given by the staff of the regional Museum of sports, display of the movie and informative videos about the great wrestler and the trainer, and also a quiz with draw of prizes are planned. Lessons are designed for pupils of 8-10 classes, and also for pupils of the first courses of establishments of secondary professional and secondary vocational education.

We will note that in the regional center pass the promotion actions devoted to the XXV International tournament on free-style and female wrestling of a series of the Golden Grand Prix "Ivan Yarygin". Tournament symbols bears Mischa and Masha invite residents and edges to anniversary 25th competitions which will take place from January 24 to January 26.

One of such unusual actions passed on Christmas on January 7. Mischa and Masha supported Krasnoyarsk citizens in 20-degree frost and came to Christmas Christmas carols. Near the main New Year tree on Theatre Square the bears already well familiar to citizens, invited inhabitants to competitions, gave firm chocolates and flyers, and, of course, were photographed for memory with everyone.

We will remind that ezhdunarodny tournament on free-style and female wrestling of a series of the Golden Grand Prix "Ivan Yarygin" will pass one of the most sign sports events in life of Krasnoyarsk Krai from January 24 to January 26. This year tournament celebrates the anniversary – the 25 anniversary.


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