Forty years ago in Bokhana, branch of Ust-Orda DSSh, the office of free-style wrestling opened, the trainer here directed Pyotr Murikhanov. Had to pass ten years that need of creation of sports school for the Bokhansky area was embodied in reality.
In 1983 the Bokhansky children's and youth sports school began the work. Mikhail Ivanovich Bykov became her first director. At school offices on wrestling, archery, volleyball were open, the talented trainers promoting formation and development of sports came to work. Sections of track and field athletics, basketball, soccer and hockey appeared several years later. The office of kettlebell sports opened in 1996, then occupations by equestrian sport and chess began. Since 2000 bandy started developing. Today DYuSSh branches operate on base of ten schools of the area.
Saying about DYuSSh, the first that occurs, it is wrestling. At different times as trainers Karl Bagadayev, Victor Nikolaev, Semyon Haltayev, Pavel Harlukov here worked. Is remarkable the fact that under the leadership of Pavel Harlukov Oleg Kankov, nowadays senator of the Federation Council was engaged in the school days. The whole chapter in the history of sports school of the area is written by Lev Rodionovich Mantykov who trained many years school students, developing dundaysky school of free-style wrestling. Arkady Angazhanov who has brought up a number of masters of sports continued trainer's work in Dundaye. In general at sports school the continuity – that knowledge, skills and love to sports which is put in the pupils by trainers is very strong, grow in new achievements and victories.
Graduates come back to walls of native DYuSSh as teachers. So, many years Vladimir Sakharov trains wrestlers. Victories of his pupil Dmitry Zuntoyev on the Russian Cup in 2012 and 2013 became one of the last achievements. Good wrestling traditions are supported. New teachers come to school, branches in Taras, New Ida work, in Haratirgena Sergey Protasov who has prepared for some years of prize-winners of different superiority of area and the district works. Interest to wrestling at school students grows, to it promote authority of the eminent athletes coming to Bokhan. So, young wrestlers with pleasure and delight run on meetings with the glorified athlete, the world champion Boris Budayev who regularly gives master classes for children, and they with pleasure are photographed with a sports legend.
Volleyball also one of basic sports in Bokhansky DYuSSh, section worked at all schools of the area. Olga of Konkovo, the first trainer of school, received quite good "reserve" on this sport, in former years school teachers with success developed volleyball in the area. But the most real boom of female volleyball happened to Raisa Tabituyeva's arrival. Almost a quarter of the century Raisa Timofeevna trained the girls, many victories the bokhanskikh of volleyball players were reached under her management. The colleague Tabituyeva – Sergey Dardayev, Yury Bukhayev, Igor Redkin also help keen children to find himself in this sport. Men's teams are prepared by Victor Gerasimov, Elena Topshinoyeva, Andrey Harchenko, they could form the school volleyball team three times becoming by champions of area.
From the basis of school of class in archery Konstantin Petrovich Babushkin saw off. Formation of so-called haratirgensky school of the archers which athletes made entirely area team is connected with his name. His daughter Marina Stupina went in the footsteps of the father and also trained Haratirgen's young athletes. Further the school of skill was continued by Philip Fedorovich Bashanov, then his daughter Maria. Today classes in archery are given by Sergey Maksimovich Elayev, and recently in DYuSSh branches in Olonkakh, Ukyre, to New Ida new teachers came.
The achievements and at weight lifters. Many years Nikolay Danilov trained boys, he and his pupils won first place at competitions of various level, and it is possible to call the main achievement of the teacher victories and a rank of the master of sports Denis Petrov. Today it, continuing a way of the mentor, works in DYuSSh, training young athletes. Weight lifters from Dundaya where already few years Lev Mantykov conducts trainings are rather strong.
Track and field athletics, maybe, isn't so popular as wrestling, but also here is the achievements. In Ukyre under the leadership of the trainer Artur Loginov young athletes on which account there are prize-winning places in district, regional competitions train.
Trying to capture as much as possible children mass sports, the trainer's and teaching structure of Bokhansky DYuSSh here conducts 30 years laborious work and search of gifted children, and in it too their sports interest. Trainers of DYuSSh can be proud of that among her graduates eight masters of the sports, two candidates of science, are a lot of great athletes. Never, even in the most hard times, enthusiasm and hot enthusiasm didn't leave those who devoted all life to sports development in the Bokhansky area.