The section of free-style wrestling in Kozelsk FOKE was formed recently, but already found the champions among Kozelsk youth.
The trainer of section Alexander Alekseevich Grishin – the sincere enthusiast of free-style wrestling – one of the most beautiful and, we will notice, the Olympic types of these sports. Statements of some politicians against development of single combats in Russia long ago causes not only scepticism, but also suspicion: why it in the Caucasus wrestling the most popular sport, and to the Russian boys recommend to be engaged in tennis and volleyball, how drunkard Eltsyn? No, today the Russian youth wants to be engaged in those sports which were included traditionally into the main list of preparation of young soldiers: running, wrestling, firing, sports orientation … It wasn't succeeded to exclude fight from the Olympic sports. And to tell that if it occurred, the Olympic Games would cease to be the successor of ancient heroes, founders of games in Hellas for which competitions on military and applied sports of that time (wrestling, running, a disk and spear throwing …) gave the grounds for the temporary termination of wars and the solution of the conflicts on the sports arena. It is possible to imagine that wars were stopped for the sake of rhythmic gymnastics or to synchronized swimming?
In Kozelsk, the city of military glory and military traditions, single combats – one of the most mass sports and in this row the worthy place was taken by free-style wrestling.
The Open Carpet microchampionship held by wrestlers in the section is a peculiar rehearsal of performance of Kozelsk team preparing in a month at competitions in Kaluga. The trainer of section assured that such minichampionship will be held in Kozelsk regularly.
13 athletes weighing from 33 to 106 kg took part in competitions, from children to young men. According to sports requirements they were distributed on weight categories and as in each category there were 2-3 persons, and diplomas all got medals. Tournament began with the general warm-up, after which became to show on a carpet wrestling couples. The notorious prizyorstvo didn't relax wrestlers: children fought hazardously, against enthusiasm.
Parents, brothers and sisters, school friends watched them successes of athletes also with passion and enthusiasm. So competitions became also a peculiar form of the report of work of section.
Thanks to the enthusiast trainer, for his love to sports and children. We hope that Kozelsk children won't disgrace the honor the city and in Kaluga! Help them God!