On November 10 in the German city Hamburg took place the 12th tournament "Cup Hansa" on free-style wrestling among young men of 9-17 years. In it took part 61 athletes from 9 sports clubs.
Among them our numerous compatriots from whom representatives of Roland Hamburg club especially caused a stir. In younger group of athletes of 9-10 years interesting wrestling was in weight category of 34 kg. Among seven participants there was one girl — Louise Shil from Lyubten. She was far not "boy" for a beating. Two rivals laid on shovels, against one won in in view of a clear advantage, thus, without having allowed rivals to take any point. And only in the ending she had to test bitterness of defeat. Hizir Evloyev from "Roland Hamburg" not so politely managed with the lady, having ahead of schedule won with the score 11:0 and having become the champion.
Before the gold medal was handed over to Ziyad Evloyev, however, for the lack of the rival in the weight 25 kg. In category 38 kg all pedestal was occupied by our athletes. Imran Saidov from "Roland Hamburg" won at first three duels in in view of a clear advantage, and in the ending defeated Mahomed Evloyev. The third place after them was taken by Adam Bisultanov from Lyuneburger.
Yusup Yusupov in the weight of 42 kg and Said Murzayev in 46 kg had on one rival everyone. And, having won against them, both became champions. In group wrestlers of 11-14 years the champion succeeded to become Habib Akhmedov from Vilkhelmskhaven. In the weight 58 kg he won two fights. Silver in 85 kg was received by Turpal Hutayev and bronze in 38 kg Abdoul Daudov. In the senior group of 15-17 years Ibrahim Yusupov from Vilkhelmskhaven perfectly acted. Having won five duels, he became a champion. In this category of 69 kg Arbi Fadzuyev from Lyuneburger fought still. In the first, difficult fight with Ali Nasari from club "Afganisher" Arbi lost with the score 9:10 (!) and then acted from competitions. In category 85 kg Mohamed Gunayev became the best, having ahead of schedule won two fights. And in the heaviest category 110 kg there was no rival for Lomali Hutayev whom declared the champion.