On November 2 in the German city of Rostock the 5th tournament "Baltic Cup" of memory of Reyngold of "Otto" of Steyngryober among children of two age groups took place: 6-8 and 9-10 years. In it is mute 120 young athletes from 17 sporting clubs took part
Our young compatriots whom was much among participants, showed beautiful and competent wrestling. In group of 9-10-year-old athletes in category 29 kg Askhab Aziyev from Dresden became the champion of tournament, having benefited four fights on "tushe". Including, it benefited against Baysangur of Gadayev from Lyukenvalder who took the third place. In the weight 31 kg Abdulrahman Magamadov from Greyfsvalder laid down on blades of four rivals. But, in the ending I lost fight with the local wrestler from Rostock Fabian Vizemann and became the silver prize-winner. Winners of tournament became Ziyad and Hizir Evloyev from the Roland Hamburg command. Ziyad benefited among children of 6-8 years in the weight 24 kg, and Hizir in high group in 34 kg.
In low group in the weight 30 kg Mohamed Agayev from "Roland Hamburg" benefited against the single rival Joonas Dittmer from Berlin on "tushe" and became the champion. Bronze medals of tournament received Dukvakh Varayev from Dresden in 27 kg and Samad Abdurzakov from Greyfsvalder in the weight 46 kg. The Dukuvakh won three flawless victories and I underwent two defeats. Abdurzakov benefited one duel on "tushe", but, also, lost to rivals twice.