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Magomedgadzhi Nurasulov will act in Rio de Janeiro

Tuesday, 12 November 2013, 15:42
Magomedgadzhi Nurasulov will act in Rio de Janeiro

The Dagestan heavyweight Magomedgadzhi Nurasulov is included in national team for participation in tournament in Brazil.

The pupil of the deserved trainer of Russia Kasum Nasrudinova at the beginning of a year won the yaryginsky Grand Prix, then in March participated in the European championship where remained behind line of prize-winners. Since then he anywhere didn't act. As the wrestler reported, his absence on a carpet was caused by the problems which have arisen at it with health.
"To me performed operation on a gall bladder, and also disturbed a back pains — the 21-year-old wrestler from Makhachkala told wrestdag.ru. — Operation took place successfully, and here with a back the situation is slightly more difficult. Doctors diagnosed for me a protruziya of intervertebral disks. In the beginning pains were strong, and for this reason couldn't be prepared for the European championship normally. After that unsuccessful championship for me went to the center Bubnovsky to Vladikavkaz where under supervision of physicians carried out special exercises, was in Moscow, there underwent acupuncture and massage procedures. At home continued "to download" a back, do it and now, and also visit the pool. It became easier, and, hope that absolutely will forget about a problem with a backbone soon. Slowly started training, but in a sparing mode. I will already work with full loading as it is necessary to manage to be prepared for tournament in Rio. Generally, was going to act in the same terms on the Cup of Russia, but the option with Brazil turned up, and it with the trainer seemed to us more attractive. I didn't come long ago to a carpet, and this start is extremely necessary to me to enter into a competitive rhythm, and then already will start preparing purposefully for the yaryginsky Grand Prix".
The international tournament will take place in Rio de Janeiro on November 29-30. Besides Magomedgadzhi Nurasulov (120 kg), the Ossetian wrestlers will go to the capital of the Olympic games-2016 as a part of Russian national team Azamat Tuskayev (55 kg), Besik Kudukhov (60 kg), Alan Gogayev (66 kg) and Hadzhimurad Gatsalov (96 kg), Muscovite Denis Tsargush (74 kg) and native of Makhachkala Shamil Kudiyamagomedov (84 kg).


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