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The IV All-Russian tournament on free-style wrestling

Thursday, 07 November 2013, 11:33
The IV All-Russian tournament on free-style wrestling

In Kostroma passed the IV All-Russian tournament on free-style wrestling

From November 1 to November 3, 2013 in the city of Kostroma I passed the IV All-Russian tournament on free-style wrestling on "Kostromskoy Sport, Turizm I Otdykh" newspaper prizes among young men and girls. Competitions were held in a gym of SK "Youth" of the Kostroma state university by it N.A.Nekrasova.

As organizers of tournament the Federation of wrestling of Russia, Federation of wrestling of the Kostroma region, Federation of free-style wrestling of the Kostroma region, Federation of sports journalists of the Kostroma region, Committee on physical culture and sport of the Kostroma region, WOW BUDOD KSDYUSSHOR of A.V.Golubev acted, BUT "Fund of development of the Kostroma sports" as the.generalny partner of tournament acted Federal national – a cultural autonomy of Azerbaijanians of Russia, the Kostroma Azerbaijani national and cultural autonomy.

On combative carpets of the young man and the girl showed masterly equipment, commitment, strong-willed qualities, force and flexibility – all those qualities which do this sport very spectacular, fascinating. Grace, feminity and emotionality fights of girls differed.

Champions of tournament became:

Alianbarov Temirkhod (w/c to 32 kg, Tula region)

Fox Matvei (w/c to 35 kg, Syktyvkar)

Holilov Rustam (w/c to 38 kg, Ivanovo)

Malyshev Roman (w/c to 42 kg, Syktyvkar)

Medjidow Timur (w/c to 46 kg, Ivanovo)

Filippov Stepan (w/c to 50 kg, Chuvashia)

Nazarkin Ilya (w/c to 54 kg, Tver)

Ananyicheva Ekaterina (w/c to 45 kg, Kineshma, the Ivanovo Region)

Zharkova Anastasia (w/c to 48 kg, Kostroma, DYUSSH №1)

Zavadsky Christina (w/c to 55 kg, Egoryevsk, the Moscow Region)

Fedorina Paulina (w/c to 65 kg, Kostroma, OGOBUDOD KSDYUSSHOR of A.V.Golubev)

Dudaeva Christina (w/c to 72 kg, Kostroma, OGOBUDOD KSDYUSSHOR of A.V.Golubev)

Khalilzad Gadir (w/c to 58 kg, Kostroma, OGOBUDOD KSDYUSSHOR of A.V.Golubev)

Volkov Maxim (w/c to 63 kg, Egoryevsk, the Moscow Region)

Gadzhiev Mahomed (w/c to 69 kg, Inta the Komi Republic)

Mammayev Abdurakhman (w/c to 76 kg, Ivanovo)

Tropanets Sergey (w/c to 85 kg, Kostroma, OGOBUDOD KSDYUSSHOR of A.V.Golubev)

Pashnev Vyacheslav (w/c to 100 kg, the Tula Region)

Chemerov Ilnaz (w/c to 120 kg, Chuvashia).

Cups for the best equipment received to Mamedzada Yashar (Azerbaijan Republic) and Tropanets Sergey (mountains. Kostroma). Kornilayev S.G. cup – Khalilzad Gadir (city Kostroma)

The cup of the best team of tournament went to the Azerbaijan Republic. Cup of memory of Alexander Vladimir Zenkevich rightfully deserved Ekaterina Ananyicheva (city Kineshma).


Last photo and video