Sergey Bubka marked the outstanding wrestler on General assemblies of NOK
Yesterday took place historical signing of the Declaration on application for carrying out in Ukraine winter Olympic and Paralympic games-2022. The signatures under the relevant documents delivered the chairman of Organizing committee on preparation and request attending in the IOC about receiving the right to carrying out in 2022 Winter Olimipiysky and Paralympic games Witze - the prime minister - the minister of Ukraine Alexander Vilkul, the president of National Olympic committee of Ukraine Sergey Bubka and the mayor of Lviv Andrey Sadovy.
During General assembly of NOK took place one more sign event. The president of National Olympic Committee marked double world champion Ibrahim Aldatov, as best athlete of September. Sootvetsvenno Yury Nazarenko - the instructor of the athlete became the best trainer of month. "It is very pleasant to me to award ours лаурета which surely could return itself a rank of the world champion. - Sergey Bubka declared - Ibrahim showed excellent result. Symbolically what exactly in September the International Olympic Committee made the decision to leave wrestling in the program of summer Games. It is sure, our athletes and will prove further that this sport which has nice traditions in Ukraine, is worthy to be in the Olympic program and from now on to increase a medal of achievement of domestic wrestling school".
Literally a day before rewarding Ibrahim Aldatov marked the thirtieth anniversary. Behind shoulders of the athlete there are a lot of medals of the higher advantage, but admirers of wrestling believe that ahead Aldatov has more many loud victories. In September on the wrestling FIFA World Cup it showed steel character and confirmed the status of one of the best wrestlers of the present.
The principal Olympian of the country marked also powerful contribution to success of the athlete of his instructor, at the same time, expressed gratitude for preparation of the champion to the president of Association of wrestling of Ukraine to Elbrus to Tedeev and the head coach of the man's national team on free-style wrestling to Ruslan Savlokhov. This year in the World Cup in Budapest the man's national team under the leadership of Ruslan Soslanovich took the fourth place in a team competition, having won except gold also silver and bronze medals.