From November 8 to November 10 in Moscow will pass a traditional Cup of the European nations on three styles of wrestling.
In these team competitions which are taking place in the "wall on a wall" format, will take part on six best European national teams following the results of the last World Cup. On Monday the Russian team of wrestlers gathered in Novogorsk for preparation for the forthcoming start. In composition of the national team are included Azamat Tuskayev, the Market Zhalsapov (they are 55 kg), Timur Pesterev, Besik Kudukhov, Jahmal Otarsultanov (all – 60 kg), Is banished Ramonov, Ilyas Bekbulatov (they are 66 kg), Aniuar Geduyev, Atsamaz Sanakoyev (they are 74 kg), Soslan Ktsoyev, Vladislav Valiev (they are 84 kg), Vladislav Baytsayev, Batraz Gazzayev (they are 96 kg), Alan Khugayev and Edward Bazrov (they are 120 kg).
The high trainer of Russian national team Mairbek Yusupov told about the principles of formation of a command on the Cup of the nations, and also answered other questions.
- Only one Dagestan athlete got to composition, whether is small for one of leading centers of free-style wrestling in the country?
- It is known that members of national team are the wrestlers who have got to the six in each weight in national championship. The task of a trainer's staff – to give the chance to all of them to be overcome at competitions in the area of the national team. Certainly, for us the result therefore is more often than others is important also owners of medals of the national championship get to composition. In the current season the national team had already five starts – the World Cup, the European championships and a pattern, University games and World games of martial arts. We involve those wrestlers who this year appeared for the national team a little in the forthcoming Cup of the nations or didn't appear generally. The status of candidates for a command for the specific moment is thus considered. For example, the trainer's staff included in composition on World games in Petersburg the second prize-winner of national championship Anzora Urishev who didn't appear before anywhere for the national team, but it provided the medical certificate that won't be able to be overcome, and we hastily had to look for to it changeover. Here and now the original list of the nations of wrestlers invited to the Cup can undergo changes.
- Formally Jahmal Otarsultanov doesn't enter into the national team, but you decided him to expose on the Cup of the nations …
- About it Otarsultanov asked. Let's not forget that he is the Olympic champion. Jahmal was going to appear in the championship of Russia, but at the last minute because of an injury couldn't make it. According to him, now it collected the good form, and, it appears, its performance will be the useful both for the national team, and for the wrestler needing competitive practice.
- What else competitions in the area of the national team will take place this year?
- On November 16-17 in America friendly match meetings with the local national team will take place. There young perspective Russian wrestlers will go generally. Someone can have a question why those got to a command, instead of other wrestlers? The matter is that the decision on carrying out match meetings is made recently and as there are certain difficulties with obtaining the American visas, the priority was given to the wrestlers who earlier were already leaving in the USA.
One more tournament in which our national team will take part in this season, will take place on November 29-30 in Rio de Janeiro. The trainer's staff intends to delegate leading wrestlers to Brazil. Though to the Olympic Games in Rio it is still far, for us it is important to look there, to study a situation, generally, to carry out developing attack.
- It would be desirable to know also your personal judgement concerning solutions of the meeting which have taken place the other day of the technical commission of FILA?
- I consider reasonable the made corrections to rules, namely estimation of throws not as 3 points, as before, and four, and also difference finishing in points in case of recognition of an early victory in free-style wrestling with 7 to 10 points. And as for the approved project of the Olympic weight categories in freestyle, it almost matched to what I offered it when to trainers suggested to participate in compilation of sentences of the Russian side for reviewing of the technical commission of FILA. The idea to increase quantity of weight categories in the World Cups and other competitions was pleasant also. Thus more wrestlers will get chance to become owners of medals of prestigious competitions, and it will do only good to matter of promoting of wrestling in a pattern. I only won't understand one – why it is offered to enter new categories from the World Cup-2014 which will take place in September? Why not to make it earlier? It would be possible to transfer to new weights since the beginning of new year, and I don't see anything such that could complicate this process.