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Universal sport

Saturday, 02 November 2013, 14:35
Universal sport

Many parents of the children visiting novoselovsky DYuSSh, were pleasantly surprised when their children who have registered in section of free-style wrestling, began to be wrung out to fifteen times.

In DYuSSh gym with boys trainer Alexander Mazurantov is engaged. - The spirit of a trenerstvo at me in blood, - shares it. - My father taught free-style wrestling. I from the first occupations fell in love with this sport. Was engaged in wrestling, going to school, I continued in army. Sports affected and choice of profession, I graduated from faculty of physical culture of teacher's college. In May of this year to me suggested to become the trainer at sports school. Here also I teach boys to wrestling, I conduct on two occupations in day because wishing to be engaged in this sport it appeared much.

The set of groups occurs once a year.  Their two:  younger and senior.  The first is considered improving:  children there generally play with each other, run and physically develop.  Then, gradually the trainer passes to acquaintance to receptions of free-style wrestling.

- First of all, - Alexander Igorevich tells, - I explain to them that out of sports school by no means it is impossible to apply these receptions, having made something not so, it is possible to injure the person. Also in children I cultivate feeling of a collectivism. I say that you now one team and it is necessary to look one after another, to support at a difficult moment. After all at competitions it is much more convenient to cope with excitement together, than to one.

Children from the senior group rather seriously and responsibly go on trainings.  They took prizes at regional free-style wrestling competitions among the young men led on October 12.  In plans of the trainer for the future to bring Novoselovo's national team to regional tournaments.

-  Free-style wrestling, - he is sure, - a universal sport which is useful everywhere:  at school, army, institute and it is simple for itself.  At our school all conditions for high-quality carrying out occupations are created.  Now DYuSSh has the right to appropriate categories if to try, it is possible and to reach the candidate so grow is where!


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