Hasavyurtovets Ahmed Chakayev became a champion on number of victories on Cup of Ramzan Kadyrov
In 2010 and 2011 the 25-year-old wrestler achieved success in weight to 60 kg, and this time — in higher category in which acts since this season. "Usually on tournaments there are two-three favourites in each weight, and now the structure of participants in category to 66 kg was so strong that hardly someone would undertake to predict the winner" — the newly made champion noticed.
Five fights were carried out by Chakayev on tournament in Grozny, four of them were finished ahead of schedule. He consistently got the best of the wrestler from Karachay-Cherkessia Daahir Chomayev playing for Azerbaijan as native of Makhachkala Ruslan Dibirgadzhiyev, hasavyurtovets Amir Berukov, Rustambek Maskhadov and Zalimkhan Yusupov representing Tajikistan.
"It is always heavy to struggle with fellow countrymen — Chakayev told. — With three from them I trained in one hall. All of them — strong wrestlers, but today I was lucky more, than of. I won't tell that I was ready somehow specially, simply at me fight that is called went, a lot of things turned out, including my favourite "return" which brought me a victory in the ending"
On Saturday one more Dagestan wrestler rose by the top step of a pedestal — Asadulla Lachinov who from this year plays for Belarus. Under the flag of this country the native of Makhachkala fought on University games and the World Cup, however laurels didn't get. However, in interests of the national team he acted in weight to 60 kg, whereas its "native" weight — the easiest. Having returned in Grozny to the category, the 27-year-old wrestler after duels with heavier rivals felt surely. He fought not so effectively as Ahmed Chakayev, but it is reliable and competent, verifying each action. Its final fight with the Ossetian wrestler Azamat Tuskayev in which he long waited is indicative in this sense and at the right time blew up, having carried out the productive attack which has brought to it first place.
One of the easiest wrestlers among heavyweights Arslanbek Aliyev squeezes out of himself everything that is possible. A week ago on the Intercontinental cup in Khasavyurt it was the second, and this time won a silver medal. On both tournaments it conceded in the endings to the Georgian wrestlers — at first to George Sakandelidze, and now David Modzmanishvili. Hasavyurtovets, as always, fought desperately, but to overcome the powerful Georgian who on the Olympic Games in London overcame Bilyal Makhova and took the second place, for it was beyond the power.
Technical results
Cup of Ramzan Kadyrov V. Grozny. October 26
55 kg. 1 . Asadulla Lachinov (Belarus); 2 . Azamat Tuskayev (Alania); 3 . Artem Gebekov (Dagestan) and Ogan Giginyan (Armenia).
66 kg. 1 . Ahmed Chakayev (Dagestan); 2 . Zalimkhan Yusupov (Tajikistan); 3 . Hadzhimurad Nurudinov and Amir Berukov (both is Dagestan).
84 kg. 1 . Muslim Dadayev (Chechnya); 2 . Dauren Kurugliyev (Dagestan); 3 . Radian Nartikoyev and George Rubayev (both is Alania).
120 kg. 1 . David Modzmanishvili (Georgia); 2 . Arslanbek Aliyev (Dagestan); 3 . Zac Ray (USA) and Edward Bazrov (Alania).