Today known wrestler Kuramagomed Kuramagomedov became the guest of pupils of Makhachkala school No. 34.
The Olympic lesson was organized by the employee of the press center "Olympic" that at the ministry of sports of Russia, Marina Karagich who at the request of sports department, and also Federations of wrestling of Russia holds similar events in many regions of the country. By its invitation many stars of sports representing various disciplines met school students, and among them — the well-known wrestlers Aleksandr Karelin, Hadzhimurad Gatsalov, Nazir Mankiyev. In Makhachkala Marina Karagich the second time conducts the Olympic lesson, before it organized a meeting of pupils of high school No. 5 with the Olympic champion of London on judo by Mansur Isayev.
Marina Karagich presented to Kuramagomed Kuramagomedova's children and gave him the floor. The outstanding wrestler having medals of all advantages of the World Cup and five times winning in European championship, told about how he went to school.
"For me study always was on the first place — he noticed. — At me never was "three", and for good progress and diligent behavior me every year elected the class monitor. I too was engaged in wrestling diligent, but it didn't disturb study. Don't trust those children who say that because of trainings they can't study well. If to want, all can manage to be done. After school I without someone's help successfully passed entrance examinations in teacher's college, and of it was very proud as in those days very few people from our village were possible to enter the university".
On a question of the victory most memorable for it Kuramagomed Kuramagomedov, without reflecting, I called the first place won by it on superiority of the Charodinsky area. "Well I remember these competitions, I weighed 32 kilograms and acted in category to 35 kg — he told. — It was an event not only for me, but also for all our village. In the Charodinsky area very much love wrestling and respect wrestlers, and for each boy then was a limit of dreams to win regional competitions. After that I, changing categories, steadily I won the area, and the ninth class, acting in weight to 76 kg, I won first place on superiority of Dagestan".
To the glorified athlete some more the questions one of which concerned renewal of wrestling career by it were set. "Everything can be — he answered. — Usually career of heavyweights lasts long, and I still feel in myself not dissipated forces. So, probably, I will still be overcome".
In honor of visit of the eminent athlete of the girl from school ensemble of amateur performances executed national dance, and then the skill of execution of the Lezgian was shown by the guest. The meeting for memory and an avtografsessiya came to the end with a traditional picture.
Timur RASULOV, Mahomed HAZAMOV (photo)