The real enthusiast of sports Alexey Lukyanchikov intends to grow up future champions and patriots of the edge in the village Beryozovka of the Novosibirsk area.
We reached the village together with the vice-chairman of public council at management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Novosibirsk of Valery Tryukhan who invited to look at problems of rural sports. Alexey met on the edge of the street and at once carried out to "possession" — the small sportzalchik which is a part of standard rural school. In an hour at the trainer occupations began, and he in the small teaching told about itself(himself).
— I since nine years was engaged in free-style wrestling in Ob sports club at Victor Sinyutin. Then went to school the Olympic reserve and I spoke at competitions. Usual life of the athlete — trainings, traveling, collecting, competitions. I executed the standard of the master of sports of Russia. Unfortunately, in sports it was necessary to leave active performances early — in 18 years the injury of a knee and circumstances accompanying it didn't allow to continue further career of the acting athlete. I arrived on sports faculty of the Novosibirsk teachers training university and I worked three years as the trainer in sport center оловокомбината. Then service in army after which I finished study in higher education institution and the physical culture teacher" gained the diploma about the higher education with qualification ".
Three years ago Alexey moved to Beryozovka. Here it has small business, work, everything is it seems normal. But the favourite sport all the same pulled, something inside itched … I didn't sustain — in the summer of last year I came to school and I suggested to organize section of free-style wrestling. The administration supported, helped to settle with DYuSSh "Record" in Baryshevo. However, at once it didn't turn out, but now carried out a full-fledged set of two groups on 20 people: younger group — with second on the fourth class, and senior — all the others.
— We are engaged here, in the school sports hall. Conditions, of course, yet very much — the trainer sighs. — But after all it is necessary to begin with something! Thanks to colleagues on sports — supported, helped here these mats for occupations. Moreover here Valery Valeryevich doesn't forget.
— Any healthy society is interested, in that that our streets were quiet, the youth led a healthy lifestyle — Valery Tryukhan notices. — Here and I responded on Alexey's appeal to promote it in his good deed. Our council participates in formation of the concept of public safety of Novosibirsk, prevention of offenses. Patriotic education of children by means of such sections raises self-discipline and organization level. Sports activities, in this case free-style wrestling, are some kind of state order on education of the citizen of the country.
— Children stretched at once — Alexey tells. — Three times a week run to school almost an hour before occupations. Even if for some reason will pass, all the same come back and work even more diligently not to lag behind the others. Certainly, with more senior it is simpler and more interesting to be engaged — and physical training is higher, and think already quicker. But so diligent kids though the silyonok also isn't present, do all exercises with such enthusiasm! Don't complain …
… Wrestling really tempers not only a body, but also I smother. Novosibirsk "Greek-Roman" deservedly are pride of our region, its trade mark. But they never separated themselves from colleagues — wrestlers - "wrestlers", on the contrary, always emphasized unity of powerful brotherhood. Now our classics at the deserved top of glory. "Wrestlers" while it is more in a shadow, sometimes becoming slaves of different circumstances …
Tatyana KULIKOV, director of Berezovsky SOSh No. 12:
"At us in the village children have no place to organize leisure and furthermore to acquaint them to classes in any interests. I am bribed in Alexey by his tranquillity, confidence, patience. I in pedagogics 21 years, know — what twenty boys simply to carry away the story. Here that means — a man's hand, the firm word, resolute action! Collective at us — entirely female. We are afraid that Alexey from us will leave, one his presence at school well influences the general stop both among children, and among teachers.
But a hall, saw, in what condition! Already now here it is very cold. For normal functioning it is necessary to warm urgently walls — in the winter it is impossible to continue occupations. The building not such and old, but the case from panels for cold warehouse application was handed over 30 years ago, and necessary plaster didn't make. Here with it also we live … There is in district administration plans an overhaul but while us didn't reach.
Danil ZATEEV, 5 "A":
"In our class all boys registered in wrestling. We go together, so more interestingly. Here we learn a lot of the new. My parents, mother Nailya and father Alexander, support me, ask about trainings, order to carry out all tasks of the trainer".
Genia SHESHUNOVA, 2 "B":
"Ours girls went to classes earlier, and then so interestingly about it told in a class, as I wanted to try. Here and the truth it appeared fine, it is a lot of cheerful exercises".
"I was written down in section by my mother Katya. Alexey Vladimirovich will prompt everything to everyone, will explain — only carry out as it is necessary. Here I should tighten press-ups, they at me yet very much turn out. And as boys will be fooled around, so the trainer as will burst at once: "Silently! " And all are engaged further".
Author: Vasily Spiridonov