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Europeans gather for tournament Saytiyev

Wednesday, 02 October 2013, 15:21
Europeans gather for tournament Saytiyev

From November 29th to December 1st in Krasnoyarsk will pass the IX International tournament on free-style wrestling on prizes of Buvaysar Saytiyev.

Originally it was planned for October 25-27 and this date still costs in calendars of international (FILA) and Russian (FSBR) of federations. Though Saytiyev representatives in Europe addressed in FILA and to the 1st vice-president, the secretary of state of FSBR George Bryusov with a request to change date in calendars of competitions not to mislead delegation which are going to arrive to Krasnoyarsk. However, things are right where they started it is probably very difficult to make amendments on the sites. Traditionally teams of the Central Asian republics participate in Saytiyev's Krasnoyarsk tournament and Mongolia. Last year on it for the first time there were Europeans — small team from Germany. This year more representative delegation from Europe is expected. Saytiyev's representative in Europe, the vice-president of the Belgian club "2006 ″ Iza Gambulatov sent to Rayeren the provision on tournament and invitations to many countries — France, Israel, Canada, Italy and others. In principle, the European athletes with pleasure would take part in this tournament. The only obstacle is the long, difficult and expensive journey to Krasnoyarsk.

Nevertheless, one European delegation is already ready to go to Siberia. From Belgium in tournament will participate Bilal Abdurashidov and Dzhokhar Gambulatov accompanied by trainer Arnold Vauff (he is the president of club "Rayeren 2006 ″). As judges on tournament will go Hurst Faller from Germany, Joonas van de Meeren from Holland and Iza Gambulatov from Belgium. All of them are judges of the international category. Hurst Faller — one of the most experienced and authoritative arbitrators, seized on the century more than 30 World Cups and Europe. By the way, he was the chief judge on the I-st International tournament in honor of Buvaysar Saytiyev in Belgium in 2009. The team again will take part in tournament from Germany and, we will hope, from other European countries.

Let's remind that Saytiyev's III-rd International tournament is planned for the end of April of the next year in Europe which it is from now on supposed to call tournament in honor of Buvaysar and Adam Saytiyevykh's brothers.

By ABDULAEV Movladi 


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