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Meeting with champions

Wednesday, 25 September 2013, 09:47
Meeting with champions

The president of Association of wrestling congratulated heroes of the World Cup

The meeting of representatives of mass media with winners and prize-winners of the World Cup took place.

On the eve of the World Cup in Budapest the wrestling world was stirred up by pleasant news - the IOC returned wrestling to the program of Olympic Games of 2020. And as the head coach of man's combined Ukraine Ruslan Savlokhov admitted, this news added to our wrestlers of forces for great fulfillments. Our wrestlers collected a complete set of medals, having taken the fourth place in an all-team competition, and having provided itself the permit on the World Cup.

The female national team confirmed a title of the strongest team of Europe, having taken the fifth place in a team competition, having passed forward only representatives of other continents. In the last day of a world championship gold in the Ukrainian moneybox I added also Alina Stadnik.

"On the eve of a trip to Budapest the Olympic basis in Concha-Zaspa was visited by the minister of youth and sports of Ukraine Ravil Saffiullin and wished to our athletes of success at the principal competitions of a season. It is pleasant that our wrestlers managed to save champion traditions of the Ukrainian sports and to win such quantity of awards. - The President of Association of wrestling  of Ukraine Elbrus Tedeev told to journalists. - The World Cup was very bright, dynamic. Competitions took place in fine sports palace. And the most pleasant that from the first day our athletes pleased fans with bright fights and medals. Our sport very dynamically develops. New players testify to it in the field. So in the endings there were representatives of India, Pakistan... Therefore we need to work even more to save and increase line items of the Ukrainian national team. I am very grateful to our athletes for that that they so selflessly fought. All of them are good fellows.

Also I would like to thank our friends and partners the youth and sports Ministry, National Olmpiysky committee which always support us and help."

In this HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION many outstanding wrestlers and MAUP always were trained supports wrestling community.


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