On September 16 in Budapest (Hungary) started the World Cup in the Olympic types of wrestling. In the first day of competitions on free-style wrestling two gold medals were won by Iranians Hasan Rakhimi (to 55 kg) and Resa Yazadani (to 96 kg), and in category to 66 kg David Safaryan (Armenia) took priority
In a Russian national team asset after the first for the World Cup Nariman Israpilov's three bronze medals (to 55 kg), Mahomed Kurbanaliyev (to 66 kg) and Anzora Boltukayev (to 96 kg). About the first day of tournament with WRESTRUS.RU the member of FILA Bureau American Stan Dzhezik heading the commission of FILA on change of rules of wrestling shared impressions.
The first day left double impression, - Stan Dzhezik noted. - In a playoffs there was a set of spectacular, dynamic, intriguing wrestlings. And a category quarterfinal to 55 kg in which Russian Nariman Israpilov won against Georgian George Edisherashvili with the score 19:15 it it is simple a fantasy. In too time from the endings I waited for more interesting and substantial wrestling.
- Why we didn't see it in the endings?
- I see some reasons. Fundamental - wrestlers ten years disaccustomed to attack, changed wrestling by lots and mathematics. Of such heritage at the moment you won't get rid. Wrestlers with enthusiasm met new rules, but 3 months are too little for full reorganization of equipment and consciousness. Other reason in psychology - the price to a mistake in the ending is too high therefore nobody wanted to be mistaken.
- How to eliminate this problem?
- It is necessary to wait simply a little. Wrestlers already understood that time of protective tactics ended - now the victory is got in attack. Dynamics and productivity of wrestlings considerably grew in comparison with the last years. There is growth and on productivity of the endings in comparison with last tournaments. Much more complex problem it seems to me, as to wrestlers to keep force on all tournament. Density of wrestlings in the World Cup the very high. Wrestlers don't manage to be restored between wrestlings, and to the ending approach the exhausted.
- What to do in this situation?
- One of offers was to enter a two-day format of tournament, but the television strongly objected against such course. They insist that the competitive history of weight category can't be broken. FILA accepted their arguments. There is one way - change of techniques of preparation of wrestlers. New rules were accepted on May 17, and the World Cup takes place only four months later the ambassador of revolutionary changes. It it isn't enough to adapt for them training process. It is sure that following the results of the World Cup experts will draw the correct conclusions, and the problem of physical standards of wrestlers will be solved.