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The wrestler for all times

Sunday, 15 September 2013, 12:52
The wrestler for all times

What does the person great? Mainly, the talent multiplied by diligence and persistence. But thus there has to be a commitment and confidence of the forces. These qualities became pledge of great victories of the outstanding wrestler of the present of Buvaysar Saytiyev.

Speak if the person strongly wants something is comes true. In the fourth class Buvaysar with the schoolmates received a task to write the small letter to itself. It was possible to read it only in the 11th class. Having opened the letter in seven years, Buvaysar saw the text: "I am engaged in wrestling, 30 kilograms weigh, tomorrow I have a wrestling, I want to become the Olympic champion". For these years his dream of the Olympic gold only amplified. Especially as progress was obvious: Buvaysar consistently became the champion of Khasavyurt, the champion of Dagestan among young men and the winner of youthful superiority of the Soviet Union – the last, by the way, before country disorder. But the region then couldn't finance Saytiyev's trip on superiority of the world. As a result to the Canadian city Alma on a world championship I went and Ziyautdin Bazhev against whom Buvaysar won the ending of superiority of the USSR with the score 17-2 won it. Naturally, it couldn't but leave an unpleasant deposit. For years to train, win at all age steps and not to have opportunity to measure swords forces with the best wrestlers of the world – that can be more offensive? Especially, when you feel that I am ready to big victories. And some trainers began to spin intrigues that to attribute the talented guy to themselves. Besides, conditions of trainings in the hometown were far from the ideal. Now Khasavyurt is considered it almost the world center of free-style wrestling: natives of the 100-thousand city won eleven gold Olympic medals. Not to mention several tens European championships and the world. But then, at the beginning of the 80th business were it isn't so iridescent.

All this became the reason of moving of Saytiyev in 1992 together with the friend Islam Matiyev with whom won on superiority of the USSR among young men, at first in a sports boarding school of Novokuznetsk, and from there to Krasnoyarsk where there was one of the schools of free-style wrestling strongest in Russia. Besides big brother Buvaysara located in Krasnoyarsk - Abdulkhaky. Heading the well-known school of the highest sports skill by types of wrestling Dmitry Mindiashvili brought up many outstanding wrestlers. Among other it is possible to call names of double Olympic champions Ivan Yarygin and Levan Tediashvili. But by the time of moving to Krasnoyarsk Buvaysara Saytiyev, Mindiashvili left trainer's activity. Organizational work of so big ShVSM took away all the time, but having seen 17-year-old Saytiyev in business, the eminent instructor decided to return to trainer's work.

Besides Dmitry Mindiashvili with Buvaysar Saytiyev worked George Bakhturidze and Sergey Hachikyan. Later Dmitry Mindiashvili remembered: "Something prompted that to me the unique person" got. And it is valid, technician Saytiyev I struck all experts of wrestling with the eccentricity. Surprisingly high for the light-middleweight and average weight (183 cm), fast, but at the same time viscous, flexible, plastic, coordinate, explosive, strong, hardy …

And all this in one person. Besides physical data Buvaysar it is still thin I understood wrestling. It seemed, the highest forces devoted it in all sacraments of this sport. Otherwise from where the young man could know all secrets of wrestling? Reached the ridiculous: skilled masters though all life was on the contrary came to look at young Saytiyev's wrestlings – young went to get hand in to the senior companions. When the deserved trainer of the USSR and Russia Yury Shakhmuradov directing in 1995-1996 a trainer's staff of Russian national team, saw for the first time in the case of Buvaysar, he with astonishment exclaimed: "From where this miracle? ! From where the boy has such equipment? ".

Among strong wrestlers Buvaysar looked the lanky beginner. It seemed that strong and thickset rivals will break it in no time. But Saytiyev over and over again proved delusiveness of this opinion in practice. It in the viscous manner as if the boa, connected all movements of the rival, and then promptly carried out technical action. Buvaysar, thanks to the explosive speed, successfully fought below, working practically for any foot. But also on "the second floor" it carried out receptions with grace and grace. Even such difficult receptions in the technical plan as "poker" he worked well so simply that the person ignorant of wrestling art could count it as trifling matter. Being the person serious, got used to everything to approach responsibly and thoroughly, Buvaysar and trained thoughtfully. From here and results.

In 1993 as a part of junior Russian national team Buvaysar left to Austria on the first large international tournament - superiority of Europe - and quite easily won there. For all tournament it gave to the rivals only 3 points is happened in final wrestling which he won 13:3.

In respect of formation 1994 became very important for Buvaysar. In January Saytiyev took part in annual international tournament of the Grand Prix "Ivan Yarygin". Unexpectedly for all it, having won against many grandees of wrestling, I reached the final where had to struggle with the athlete from the USA. All experts of wrestling predicted a victory to the American, noting that the unknown 18-year-old wrestler and so jumped above the head. For some seconds until the end of wrestling forecasts came true - Buvaysar lost 3:7. It is almost impossible to win back four points for such short time if the rival is much more skilled. But in Buvaysara already then the great wrestler with strong character looked through: in remained time he managed to throw through itself(himself) American who has precipitately rushed on it. Judges gave for a technique 3 points, plus point for amplitude. The account was made even, and wrestling proceeded in an additional overtime before the first reception. The demoralized American without special resistance soon lost decisive point. It was the sensation. In a hall something was created improbable! After this victory legendary trainer Dmitry Georgiyevich Mindiashvili exclaimed the well-known phrase: "Remember, this is future Olympic champion! ". By the way, Saytiyev became (and remains to this day) the youngest winner of this prestigious tournament - at the time of a victory to it wasn't and 19 years. Running forward, I will tell that he seven times won on "yaryginsky" tournament – to this result anybody and close didn't come nearer. Then Buvaysar Saytiyev was noticed also by trainers of Russian national team.

In March, 1994 to Buvaysar 19 years were executed and in the same month as a part of Russian national team him carried on the World Cup where it took the third place. Thus Saytiyev won against future champion, but lost to other wrestler. At so early age to become the third on such representative tournament among skilled and experienced wrestlers, was big achievement, but Buvaysar was upset. By the way, it were the first and last competitions among adults on whom Buvaysar acted in light-middleweight category (to 68 kg).

In August of the same year Buvaysar Saytiyev became the second on superiority of Europe among youth. The injury of a knee prevented to win the ending of Bulgarian Sevi Aldimov to it. By the way, this defeat for many years remained only in Saytiyev's career.

The whole year Buvaysar tortured himself trainings. People see only an iceberg surface: bright victories, triumph, rewarding or other attributes of glory. But the sea of sweat and blood, a callosity and a trauma of athletes stay behind the scenes. Not all manage to climb up top of a sports Olympus. Sports – an ungrateful profession: having conceded the 100-th fraction of a second, distance centimeter, some gram, one point, it is possible to remain in obscurity. Buvaysar was lucky. But it and itself did everything from it depending that the destiny looked at it a complacent look especially as it deprived it in the childhood.

When Buvaysar was 13 years old, at the time of his formation, a growing when for boys only the fatherly word is authoritative, his father died in accident. Hamid Saytiyev was the excellent builder. In Khasavyurt many houses are built by his hands so it still in the city remember. Already much later, having become a legend during lifetime, Buvaysar admitted that would give all the awards for that the father was live. After death of the husband all burdens and cares on education of four sons and two daughters completely laid down on Buvaysar's mother - Belizhu. If to consider, as younger brother Buvaysara the Olympic champion of Sydney-2000 Adam is pride of the Chechen people, and other children found themselves in the professions necessary and useful to people, not to recognize greatness of such mother, such heroic woman - it is impossible.

In July, 1995 Buvaysar won on superiority of the world among youth. In the ending it surely overcame the strong Korean Moon Yui Dzhaye who subsequently has become the double vice-champion of Olympic Games and the double vice-world champion. It is remarkable that in both endings of the World Cups he lost Buvaysara Saytiyev. So was in the World Cup in Tehran in 1998 and Sofia in 2001.

The category to 74 kg in which Buvaysar Saytiyev fought, always was problem for the Soviet and Russian wrestlers. One that in this category they never became champions of Olympic Games, speaks about much. Besides in the last two World Cups in this category the Russian wrestlers weren't included at all into number of prize-winners. The last success Russian средневеса was dated 1987th year when in Clermont-Ferrand the Chechen wrestler Adlan Varayev could rise by the highest step of a podium. So Arsene Fadzayev's risk somewhere was reasonable. To whom as not to impudent, talented, self-assured athletes to take world tops? As a result, Buvaysar Saytiyev, without being the champion of Russia, I went on the World Cup. I went to become the hero of that championship and to begin from there the nice 13-year triumphal gait.

Since 1995 up to the Olympic Games of 2000 Buvaysar Saytiyev didn't lose any wrestling, having won for this period three World Cups, four – Europe and Goodwill Games-98. Whether it is necessary to say that Buvaysar's authority on Russian national team was indisputable. Not casually for many years he was captain. In the 1999th preolympic year Buvaysar dared to make a small respite to treat old traumas and it is simple to take rest from physical and psychological activities. However, occasionally, not to lose a form, I participated in various tournaments, including in the World games of the military personnel. And everywhere became the winner. But on the September World Cup it at all didn't begin to be selected, having allowed the younger brother Adam to push luck in the weight category. By the way, Adam Saytiyev didn't bring the big brother, having won a brilliant victory. But in the Olympic 2000th year Buvaysar Saytiyev entered the completely mobilized. In April he won in the championship to Europe. On the second Olympic Games Buvaysar got the admission in rigid wrestlings in the championship of Russia in St. Petersburg. It is curious that in the Russian championship in five years of successful performances at the highest level, Buvaysar participated for the first time. However preparation for the Olympic Games went not according to Saytiyev's schedule: in the middle of June to it cut out a tumor on a foot thumb, and it could start trainings only a month before the Olympic Games beginning. It, of course, insignificant term to gather an optimum form, but, nevertheless, very few people doubted Saytiyev's victory in Sydney.

Buvaysar on a "adult" carpet won more than 300 victories, and all losses it it is possible to count on fingers of hands. It is sure that this achievement will be a reference point not for one generation of wrestlers. Speaking about Buvaysara Saytiyev, it should be noted his high intellectual level which, certainly, was reflected in its wrestling. Its philosophical warehouse of thinking attracted at all times to it thinking people, especially journalists. It very seldom happens when words of the athlete without special adjustment can be pledged in the press. In a case with Buvaysar Saytiyev so it also was. Easily it is possible to make a quotation collection or the book of wise sayings of its phrases. Truly, the talented person is talented in everything.

Buvaysar Saytiyev's merits – the triple Olympic champion, the sixfold world champion, the sixfold champion of Europe, the winner of many international tournaments - were estimated at the highest level. It is awarded by medals of honor, Friendship, Akhmat Kadyrov, "Al-Fakhr's" II name of degree (from Council of muftis of Russia), the medal "For Merits before the Fatherland" of the IV degree, the medal "For Merits in Physical Culture and Sport Development" of the Russian Federation. In 2004 he became the winner of the national sports award "Glory" in the nomination "For the Will to Win". In 2007 it is awarded by an official award of FILA "Gold Bortsovka" in the nomination "The Best Wrestler in the history of Free-style Wrestling". Five times the International Federation of sports styles of wrestling (FILA) recognized Buvaysar Saytiyev as the best wrestler of freestyle in the world regardless of categories. In 2010 the rank "The honourable citizen of Krasnoyarsk" is appropriated to Buvaysar Saytiyev. The list of regalia can be continued. Buvaysar in life considers as the biggest achievement that he managed to make three times a hajj. About Buvaysar Saytiyev's big public importance says that fact that in Krasnoyarsk and Belgium youthful tournaments of his name are held, in Khasavyurt the school of a name of brothers of Saytiyevs functions.

In family life at Buvaysar full unity and a consent: it together with spouse Indira raises three sons: Abdurakhim, Alikhan, Denis and daughter to Amine. Somehow I asked Buvaysar, whether he is happy in life? After all not victories do the person happy and harmonious. "I have a good family, it is a lot of relatives, it is a lot of friends, favourite business. I think that I am the happy person", - there was an answer. Buvaysar Saytiyev the victories gave to people a lot of happiness and the happiness, it appears, he too deserved.

Muslim Gapuyev

hl. editor of the magazine “Wrestling CIRCLE”

member of the Union of journalists of the Russian Federation.


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