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Champion success of the veteran

Thursday, 22 August 2013, 09:50
Champion success of the veteran

In career of the wrestler of freestyle of Nazhmuddin Nazhmuddinova (130 kg, group F) once already there was a victorious experience of performances in the World Cups. There was this sign event for it in 2011 in Albania, and it isn't going to stop on the reached.

The recent victory on superiority of the country among master veterans in Elista which was the main stage of selection on a world forum became the certificate to that. Now Nazhmuddinov sets the purpose to repeat success of biennial prescription and, by own recognition, is ready to a gold double both in psychological, and in the functional plan.

- Representatives of freestyle admit that it is much more difficult to win the championship of Russia, than the European superiority. Agree with this opinion?

-  A lot of things here, in my opinion, depend on concrete weight category, more precisely, on level presented in it sportsmen.  The European championship by no means can't be underestimated, carried to number of second-grade tournaments as there too there are many strong wrestlers.  Another thing is that on their "Russia", whatever one may do, much more.

- Whether the truth, what athletes aren't allowed to veteran competitions without physical examination and the electrocardiogram?

- Yes, it is necessary to check heart and to hand over blood on the analysis.

- At the expense of what rather elderly organism manages to cope with considerable physical loadings?

- To the foreground there is a combative spirit, desire. If with motivation everything is all right, despite of age it is possible to reach big heights.

- The most titled wrestler as a part of a republican team is the Olympic champion and numerous world champion Mahomed Badrudinov. In what a secret of his sports longevity how you consider?

-  He trains, leads a healthy lifestyle, setting that an example of the friends, relatives.  It is sure, Badrudinov will come for a long time to a wrestling mat and to please all of us with new victories.

- I know that in parallel you act in tournaments on Greco-Roman wrestling. There are successes?

- For the first time I decided to try the forces in classical style last year, broke through on the World Cup and as a whole looked quite not bad while in a decisive duel on my way there was no one uncompromising Iranian.

opernik, I will tell directly, I showed dirty wrestling, it was noticeable that he seeks to achieve success in any possible ways. Later it approached to me and explained through the translator that bribed judges. It appears, for owners of gold medals at it in the country our achievements are provided solid prize-winning, and, unfortunately, remain unnoticed.

- Master veterans and complained before that to them don't pay due consideration. It turns out, for these years the relation didn't change?

- Kopeks though the achievements veterans glorify the republic are paid for a victory on large tournaments, lift prestige of the country on the international scene - in their honor the Anthem of Russia sounds. And children happen are compelled to be engaged in search of sponsors, can't even justify the money spent for the road, a food and accommodation. And the main structure of the national team meanwhile, without showing high sports results, it is financed regularly and has no problems. For us happens offensively.

Author: Shirvani Aygunov


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