In June-July in regions of Azerbaijan under the leadership of the chief consultant of a national team for Saypulla Absaidov's free-style wrestling there passed the selection commission organized by National federation, for the purpose of stay and preparation of new and perspective wrestlers for the forthcoming II Junior Summer Olympic Games which will take place in the 2014th year in Nanjing (China)
As transfers, the commission saw the general preparatory process, a physical and tactical and technical condition of wrestlers of 1999-2003 year of birth.
As the first vice-president of National federation of wrestling Namik Aliyev declared, after viewings perspective wrestlers will be in the attention center, having noted that time for education from them professional wrestlers is necessary.
"I consider that we achieved development and mass character of wrestling in our country. Today strong and talented wrestlers who adequately represent our country on the international scene are prepared. Preparatory process doesn't stop for a minute. Because it is necessary to continue successes. Now, in Azerbaijan in wrestling is engaged to 40 thousand people. The majority of them - young and young athletes. Also it is an indicator of interest to wrestling", - Aliyev declared.
He also added that at the first stage about 80 wrestlers, both free were chosen, and the Greco-Roman style and the federation will provide athletes with all necessary conditions, they will take part in collecting in Baku under the direction of the trainer's case of national teams of Azerbaijan