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Albert Saritov: "I will return on yaryginsky tournament"

Thursday, 25 July 2013, 10:09
Albert Saritov:

Albert Saritov started trainings after the transferred trauma in January of this year.

The Dagestan wrestler, the prize-winner of the World Cup-2011 reported about it in conversation with the correspondent wrestdag.ru.
"Week as started downloading a foot while generally I am engaged on exercise machines, I attend saytiyevsky school in Khasavyurt — Albert Saritov told. — Foot I injured on the yaryginsky Grand Prix in a duel with Mahomed Ibragimov. It ached a bit at me, and in that fight I it earlier, it is possible to tell, finished. Diagnosis: complete separation of forward crucial ligaments of the left knee. Operation I performed a month later in Munich. The president of CSKA club Andrey Siletsky, for what helped with treatment with the German clinic to it many thanks! Recovery goes according to the plan, I think that in a month - one and a half I will start full trainings on a carpet. I will return to performances on yaryginsky tournament".
"I watch closely that occurs in wrestling — Saritov continued. — I have a positive attitude towards new rules, I consider that they more fair. In my weight to 84 kg in Russia there was a new leader — Shamil Kudiyamagomedov. The diligent, capable guy, sharply began to progress. From foreign wrestlers in this category it is possible to allocate, perhaps, Georgian Dato Marsagishvili, however, he is often lucky at competitions. In the forthcoming World Cup to the Georgian someone from the Iranian wrestlers can make the competition. Sharip Sharipov from the national team of Azerbaijan passed to other weight, and I at all don't know whom else to rank as favourites. Situation uncertain, as, however, and in other categories. Someone left, someone replaced weight, and here still new rules which can affect an alignment of forces. So, it is necessary to wait only for the World Cup, there we and will see, who today leaders".


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