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The Olympic champion goes to Madrid

Thursday, 11 July 2013, 16:48
The Olympic champion goes to Madrid
фото http://olymp2012.rambler.ru/

On July 13 in Madrid the Grand Pri of Spain on free-style, Greco-Roman and female wrestling will begin. As passes azerisport.com, on this tournament Azerbaijan will be presented by freestylers and "classics".

The national team on free-style wrestling will use  by Mahmoud Magomedov  (55 kg), Galiba Aliyev (60 kg), Ruslan Dibirgadzhiyev (66 kg), Ashraf Aliyev (74 kg), Magomedgadzhi Hatiyev (84 kg), Hetaga Gazyumova and Olympic champion Sharif Sharifov (they are 96 kg), and also Aslan Dzebishov (120 kg).
"Classics" will be presented by Rovshan Bayramov, Elchin Aliyev, Orhan Akhmedov (all – 55 kg), Gasan Aliyev, Vitaly Ragimov, Rustam Aliyev, Azad Aliyev (all - 66 kg), Emin Akhmedov (74 kg) and Samanom Takhmasibi (84 kg).


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