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Tournament of memory of Petr Surikov

Saturday, 06 July 2013, 09:22
Tournament of memory of Petr Surikov
Петр Суриков ассистирует Рустаму Исаеву (2010г.)

In June of last year, on the 68th year known Soviet wrestler Peter Surikov died. In 1971 he was the champion of the USSR, in the 1973rd became the champion of Europe

To us it is known also, as the constant rival of the Chechen wrestlers Bekhan Tungayev, Hasan Ortsuyev, Aslanbek Bisultanov and others at all-Union competitions in the mid-seventies.
The last years Peter Ivanovich lived in Germany and worked as the trainer in Reynbakh club. In Surikov's club our many compatriots were engaged, and after his death by one of head coaches there was Peter Ivanovich pupil — Shamkhan Kasumov. Council of Board of club includes also other his pupil Rustam Isayev.
This year the club decided to found tournament of memory of the founder and teacher Peter Surikov. It passed on June 15 in the Reynbakh sports club hall. 52 athletes took part in tournament from 10 sports clubs of Germany, Belgium and Holland.
Winners and prize-winners of tournament became:
Group of 6-8 years:
1st places: Iza Sultygov (Eyskirshen, 22 kg), Oumar Yunusov (Eyskirshen, 27 kg); 
3rd place: Abdoula Suleymanov (Dyuysdorf, 24 kg).
Group of 9-10 years:
1st places: Shamil Suleymanov (Dyuysdorf, 29 kg), Ibrahim Deziyev (Noyss, 31 kg), Ramzan Israilov (Mulheim, 46 kg);
2nd place: Mansur Vagabov (Rayeren-Belgium, 27 kg);
3rd place: Albert Nakayev (Noyss, 29 kg).
Group of 11-12 years:
1st places: Ayub Musaev (Rayeren-Belgium, 34 kg), Denis Nakayev (Noyss, 42 kg);
2nd places: Mahomed-Ami Aliyev (Noyss, 34 kg); Hamzat Aliyev (Rayeren-Belgium, 42 kg);
3rd place: Shakhsen Aliyev (Rayeren-Belgium, 34 kg).
In whole the first tournament of memory of P. Surikov took place at good level and organizers plan to make it in the future more representative.
 By ABDULAEV Movladi


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