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New rules made ChU - more brightly

Thursday, 04 July 2013, 10:19
New rules made ChU - more brightly

Head coaches of the national teams spoke concerning new rules

Now in Odessa passes the free-style wrestling championship of Ukraine. Yesterday passed competitions at girls, today fought the most part of man's composition. And principal the trainer of the man's and female national teams, Ruslan Savlokhov and Vladimir Evonov are unanimous in the impressions:
"Dear friends and fans of wrestling!
New rules by which passes now the free-style wrestling championship of Ukraine in Odessa, give the chance to wrestlers to show the real potential, and to judges to evaluate them.
On judgement of the majority of experts and the simple audience new rules give to wrestling more staginess and competences.
The spirit of fight blossoms even more. Certainly, further positive shifts will stimulate wrestling.
To look - it is a pleasure."
In more detail about fights on the Odessa carpets instructors  will tell to ukrwrestling.com after the championship termination.


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