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"Freestylers" on the youthful Olympic Games benefited 4 "gold"

Friday, 14 June 2013, 12:34

The first on the youthful Latvian Olympic Games wrestlers of freestyle "shot back".

Competitions took place in Liyepaye on June 13. Trainers of our command Sergey Kursitis, Vladimir Golubev, Sergey Grigoriev and Cheslav Plisko remained are happy with results – in team wrestling the first place (100 points), at the national team of Riga – the second (75 points) is won.
Champions of the Olympic Games became: Oleg Smirnov (58 kg), Alan Amirov (63 kg), Artem Ivanov (85 kg), Arthur Vlass (100 kg).
By silver medals were awarded: Denis Tikhomirov (50 kg) and Vladislav Gedzyun (58 kg).
Bronze medals received: Eric Bebrish (46 kg), Albert Baranovsky (69 kg) and Denis Tarasov (76 kg).
In Liyepaye girls (trainers Lyubov Kopylov and Irina Petrov) competed this day also. Kazind's League (60 kg) became the champion, the second place was benefited by Ksenia Kislova (50 kg), Christina Plikusova (56 kg) and Elite Mikutsky (70 kg), handed over a bronze medal to Diana Yasinskoy (50 kg).
Alexander Vnukov


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