In Federation of free-style wrestling of the Chuvash Republic the meeting of the acting as head Minsport Chuvashii Alexey Yakovlev and the President of Federation Alexey Lapshin with athletes - winners of superiority of the Volga federal district among girls, juniors and a yuniorok, prize-winners of superiority of Russia on free-style wrestling among girls, and also with their instructors took place.
Among which: Sergeyeva Ekaterina (trainer Sergeyev S. I. ) Petrova Evgeny (trainer Grigoriev D. V.), Chumikova Veronica (trainer Smirnova O. V.), Gavrilova Ekaterina (trainer Konstantinova S.G.), Ivanov Anastas (trainer Egorov D. G.) and Kuznetsova Maria (Kirillov T.G. trainer).
Let's remind that on last three starts athletes of Chuvashia brought in a moneybox of 28 medals of different advantage, from them: 4 gold, 10 silver and 14 bronze medals.
Alexey Yakovlev in the performance greeted athletes and trainers, having thanked them for the shown high sports results, wished to athletes of further successes on the forthcoming starts. Already at the end May of the current year two from Ivanova Anastasia and Kuznetsova Maria's present sportswomen will be overcome for the permit on the ending of the Sports contest of pupils, and Petrova Evgeny is expected by responsible start in the championship of the Volga federal district among men which will take place during the period from May 10 to May 12 to Izhevsk.
Words of a congratulation and the wishes to athletes and trainers were expressed by Alexey Lapshin, having emphasized that free-style wrestling has today good prospects of development, looking at young younger generation among which majority of representatives of a fine half. I expressed gratitude to the Republic Government for support of one of priority sports without which it is difficult to athletes to increase the skill and to achieve good results. Having thanked trainers for excellent work, I started an awards ceremony, having handed over to winners and prize-winners of competitions a reward.
In meeting end, trainers stated the wishes and suggestions for improvement to further collaboration.