National team structure on University games - 2013
Weight category - 55 kg, Lyubomir Litvinchuk (Kamenets-Podolsky national university of a name of Ivan Ogiyenko) weight category - 60 kg, Vasily Shuptar (Umansky state pedagogical university of a name of Pavel Tychina) weight category - 66 kg, Simeon Radulov (The Odessa state academy of construction and architecture); weight category - 74 kg, Rostislav Pervanchuk; weight category - 84 kg, Vitaly Gonchar (The Chernigov national pedagogical university of a name of Taras Shevchenko); weight category - 96 kg, Lyubomir Sagalyuk (Kamensk Kamenets-Podolsky national university of a name of Ivan Ogiyenko) weight category - 120 kg, Alexander HOTsYaNIVSKIY.