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The All-Russian tournament on free-style wrestling

Monday, 01 April 2013, 11:26
The All-Russian tournament on free-style wrestling

Juniors. Birobidzhan

Physical force, dexterity, aspiration to a victory - all this about free-style wrestling. Athletes are respectful to each other. Children claim - if on a carpet they are rivals, beyond its limits - true friends.

Resident of Khabarovsk Ariz Bayramov - the candidate for the master of sports. Study, work - for time trainings is less, than it would be desirable. But it didn't prevent to win a victory in several duels. In one of fights struggled with the Birobidzhan athlete Andrey Nezhinskim.
"Rather good fighter. Against it fought earlier, earlier I lost to it. Today I the first time won it. It was hard, but I prepared", - the participant of the All-Russian youthful tournament on free-style wrestling Ariz Bayramov tells.

At first sight in this sport of anything difficult. Wrestlers earn a victory on points which charge for performance of receptions. Opposition begins in a rack, and comes to an end on a carpet. But the true price of a victory is known by only athletes.
"Here on a carpet pass such uncompromising duels. Children leave, fight, lose, cry. That is all this for them is very important", – the chairman of "The sports union of youth of EAO" Igor Shavernev speaks.

In an all-team competition the victory was won by athletes from Khabarovsk territory. On the second place – wrestlers from the Jewish autonomous region, they took on 4 gold and silver, and also 6 bronze medals. Especially caused a stir Alisher Glushak, Sergey Kizub, Andrey Nezhinsky. Representatives of the Amur region closed the three of leaders.

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