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Young Dynamo members defined the best in the circle

Thursday, 28 March 2013, 08:10
Young Dynamo members defined the best in the circle

In Makhachkala passed superiority of "Dynamo" among the most young pupils of this sport school.

More than hundred young wrestlers-free-stylers 2000-2002 year of birth training in the sections RDYuSShOR "Dynamo" and its four branches in Makhachkala, challenged a victory in 12 weight categories. For many of them it there were official competitions first in life. Passions on carpets and round them boiled the serious. Children fought in each fight so as if on a game there were Olympic medals. Each of them tried to declare at once himself, to please the trainers and parents. Winners and won vainly tried to hide emotions, but pleasure on faces and grief in eyes, and at times and tears, gave out feelings which they endured.

Hot fights on a carpet attentively were watched by Dinamo instructors led by the deserved trainer of Russia Imanmurza Aliyev. Once with the same starts there began the way to big-time sports his well-known pupils Sagid Murtazaliyev, Shirvan Muradov, Bakhtiyar Akhmedov, Abdusalam Gadisov. Probably, in the near future and among these children there will be stars which will glorify native Dinamo sport school, the city, the republic, the country. As the chief judge of last superiority Ramys Guseynov told, capable boys was much, including among those who remained without medals. Losers still will have a chance not once or twice to declare itself for now we will mark out only best of the best. Here names of winners: Mahomed Dzhalukayev (26 kg), Said Abdulatipov (28 kg), Ramazan Gadzhiev (30 kg), Musalav Razhbadinov (32 kg), Dzhabrail Bammatov (35 kg), Ramazan Ibragimov (38 kg), Mukhtar Bolatov (42 kg), Ramazan Gadzhikhanov (46 kg), Azamat Salikov (50 kg), Sirazhutdin Ramazanov (54 kg), Adam Akhmedov (58 kg), Mahomed Vakhidov (+58).


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