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Vsevolod Zeleny: "Judo in the winter? Somehow strange"

Tuesday, 01 April 2014, 09:50
Vsevolod Zeleny:

We already told about with what revolutionary idea the president of UCI (The international union of cyclists) Brian Kukson acted. He offered to unload the program of the summer Olympic Games, to make some sports winter. In particular, judo was mentioned also. Absurdity or reality?

Here what comment Vsevolod Zelenyy, the secretary general of the Latvian federation of judo about it gave.
— Agree, strange sounds — judo and a winter sport. Somehow illogically. We everything already got used long ago that it is a summer sport. I think, the public of judo will be against such transition to the Winter Olympic Games.
Yes, me somehow asked here: "You go on the Olympic Games to Sochi? ". And I answered that - No. Right there to me asked the following question: "And you unless don't fight in the winter? ". I understand that it is a word-play. It is clear that judoists act in the winter instead of as bears are in hibernation. And nevertheless...
Understand, wrestlers act in a hall that, for example, the rain didn't disturb. We have kimono. And how we will look among other representatives of winter sports such here semi-undressed? I personally against such innovation. If already to rename, then call these Olympic Games for those sports which compete under a roof. Tire out all under a roof. And let will be as at track and field athletics — separately in the open air, separately winter championship indoors. Frankly speaking, I don't like such proposals of mister Kukson.
Vladimir Ivanov


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