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The judo championship,has than be proud

Saturday, 29 March 2014, 12:44
The judo championship,has than be proud

On March 28, on the water sports Dynamo base passed the judo Championship of the Saratov regional compartment of the society "Dynamo"

The team of Head department of Emercom of Russia across the Saratov region was supported by Daniil Chudayev and David Dzhlavyan.
By results of the Championship Daniil Chudayev (PCh-28 FGKU "6 FPS group across the Saratov region") became a winner in weight to 90 kg, and David Dzhlavyan (PCh-34 FGKU "10 FPS group across the Saratov region") borrowed echoing a place in weight to 73 kg.


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