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Judoists carry out the international educational and training collecting

Monday, 13 January 2014, 09:17
Judoists carry out the international educational and training collecting

In the capital center of judo together with the Uzbek judoists training collecting there pass athletes of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

In February the Parisian tournament from a series of the Grand Slam the sports season opens.  To time for entry into a form remained very little, and the national teams right after New Year's holidays "moved" in a hall. 
Uzbekistan on this collecting represents everything that color of stars of domestic and world judo is called.  The names which aren't needing repetition of regalia – Rishod Sobirov, Yakhje Imamov, Navruz Dzhurakobilov, Mirali Sharipov, Boltaboy Baltayev.  Together with them and a youth team at which is on whom to equal and whom to follow an example. 
The double world champion and the prize-winner of the Olympic Games Rishod Sobirov tells that similar educational and training collecting is important for athletes.  After all they allow to exchange experience, to experience the rival, to acquire good physical preparation.  –  "We regularly take part on the international collecting.  For example, last year they were in Japan and Korea" - Sobirov notes. 
Ahead national championship, World Cups, series tournaments Gran Pri and the Grand Slam, between them regular 
educational and training collecting – the schedule of our judoists is painted literally on days. Certainly, in the 2014th it is necessary both the championship of a planet and the main start for athletes of our continent are Asian Games in South Korean Incheona or the small Olympic Games as them by right call. Time for a swing isn't present. Only trainings and only victory.
The international educational and training collecting will last till January 17.


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