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Judoists get because of Smolny

Sunday, 05 January 2014, 11:11
Judoists get because of Smolny

The rowing base "Arrow "on the Krestovsky island which call "the last hope of Petersburg oarsmen", risks to lose opportunity to train athletes. Nearby judo club "Yavara-Neva" constructs the road and the bridge between the Krestovsky island and Bull.

These works, according to in "Arrow", narrow the Rowing channel in which oarsmen are engaged, and in the future will prevent an exit of boats to the Gulf of Finland. The "Arrow" guide of lips of the head of committee to Yury Avdeev's physical culture asked for the help Georgy Poltavchenko. Also found support.

In the evening on January 4 the governor of Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko visited two sports establishments of the Krestovsky island of Petrogradsky district — the educational and sports center "Znamya" on Vyazovaya St., 4, and the rowing Arrow base on Severnaya Road, 27. Having visited the "Banner" which buildings demand serious repair, the governor promised to allocate within the next three years about 775 million rubles for reconstruction and restoration. Possibility of allocation of the first 75 million rubles on researches and preproject works will consider already on spring amendments to the budget of 2014.

Situation in which there was a rowing Arrow base, slightly more difficult. At specialized forums "Arrow" call "the last hope of Petersburg oarsmen". It constructed in December, 2008 for 230 million budget money as a place for training of athletes for the summer Olympic Games of 2012 which took place in London. However now the rowing base appeared in situation when construction of the nearby building of judo club "Yavara-Neva" and plans for carrying out in 2018 of the FIFA World Cup can create serious difficulties in "Arrow" work.

As the head of committee of physical culture and sports Yury Avdeev, problems reported on the governor a little. First, JSC Sports Club of Judo Yavara-Neva is engaged in strengthening of coast of the Rowing channel, and during these works there is a narrowing of existing its course. By the project it is provided засыпка the thin land plot which goes from the Krestovsky island in the direction of Bull where the building of "Yavary-Neva" is under construction, but some tens meters don't reach it. This site now expand, and in space where it breaks, planned to build the bridge. Still this site was used for an exit of sports boats and training boats to the water area of the Nevsky lip — in east part of the Gulf of Finland which adjoins Petersburg.

"It is planned to create pass 15 m wide at the beginning of the channel and to block it the bridge three meters high — Yury Avdeev told to Georgy Poltavchenko. — At an existing water level or its insignificant lifting the planned height of the bridge doesn't allow to leave to the water area to judicial boats and the boats ensuring safety on water. Also transfer existing channels does impossible use of the existing slalom route and complicates an exit from rafts of the rowing Arrow base of athletes of initial preparation". Representatives of "Arrow" suggested to make the bridge adjustable.

As Marina Kezhayeva, the director of sports school "School of the highest sports skill on water sports" (this subordinated to committee on physical culture establishment uses the rowing Arrow base) explained to "Fontanka", representatives of rowing club repeatedly appealed to "Yavara-Neva" to move towards "Arrow", however mutual understanding it didn't turn out. "Slalomnaya route is actually liquidated — the journalist accepted it on buoys with which it is fenced — as in connection with road expansion from the Krestovsky island on Bull its sizes, in fact, decreased. Representatives of "Yavara-Neva" say to us that at them everything is coordinated therefore they won't change the project" — she told.

Secondly, perspective planning of the Krestovsky island in which creation GKU "Scientific Research Institute and Design Center of the General Plan of St. Petersburg" to the FIFA World Cup of 2018 is engaged, assumes the device of point of examination of motor transport on a place of an existing parking of the rowing Arrow base. And plans for the organization of traffic assume use of the access road to "Arrow" as the city highway that, according to officials, "threatens health and life of pupils".

The parking is meanwhile intended for parking of 25 cars, four buses, eight units of special equipment for transportation of the academic vessels, four — for transportation and storage of small size vessels. In case parking clean, the sports school will lose opportunity to be engaged in full training and to hold sporting events. "The administration of sports school during holding the sporting events which are taking place at Zenit-Arena stadium, is ready to release an automobile parking for point of examination of motor transport and considers that use of an existing access road possibly only for journey of transport of special services and high-ranking officials" — is spoken in the reference of committee on physical culture.

For the solution of these problems Yury Avdeev suggested Georgy Poltavchenko to charge to committee on development of transport infrastructure and JSC SKD Yavara-Neva to consider opportunity to correct design decisions on creation of journey along the northern coast of the Rowing channel so that parameters of the channel conformed to requirements of sports school and Federation of rowing of St. Petersburg. Namely — to displace an embankment to the water area of the Nevsky lip for preservation of width of the Rowing channel, and also to hold "the possible compensation events necessary for creation of the rowing slalom route in line with the Rowing channel".

Having listened to all arguments, Georgy Poltavchenko completely agreed with them and charged to the representative of KGA to tell to the chairman of committee Oleg Rybin the message that "it is urgently necessary to make changes to the territory site planning to correct an error" which is expressed in plans to organize point of examination of cars on existing parking.

The governor also declared that is necessary "at once after holidays to start working with Yavara-Neva club". And in conversation with journalists the chief of city administration noted that "Yavara-Neva" very known and reputable club which is engaged in sports promoting. "I hope that two organizations which work in the same area, will be able to find a common language that both objects developed effectively" — the governor noted.

The Yavara-Neva sports club comment "Fontanka" has no. According to a today's extract from EGRYuL, the owner and the general director of JSC SKD Yavara-Neva is Arkady Rotenberg.

According to a site of "Yavary-Neva", the honourable president of sports club is Vladimir Putin, and the chairman of audit commission — Victor Zubkov. It is known that Arkady Rotenberg acted for Vladimir Putin as the sparring partner on judo. Say also that with Vladimir Putin the vice-president of judo club Vasily Shestakov trained.

"Yavara's" building is under construction since 2005. Idea then wanted to embody in four years for $60 million, however the site planning could approve only in 2011. In April, 2013 Georgy Poltavchenko signed the resolution of an oprodleniya of terms of construction from February, 2013 to February, 2015. On the Bull island by this time there have to be a hall on 1,5 thousand people, a pool, hotel for athletes and trainers, a complex of four-storeyed cottages with a courtyard and small yacht-club. According to the project of JSC Ingmar arkhitekturno-stroitelnoye byuro of Ingmar Vitvitsky, a construction will represent two buildings, similar to leaves.

Alexander Alikin


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