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Judo by new rules

Sunday, 05 January 2014, 11:24
Judo by new rules

Since January 1 of this year came into force new rules of judo which for the last months were corrected by the International federation (IJF).

If in last season of IJF decided to give vent to experiments, with approach of the Olympic qualification decided to regulate situation finally. And the Azerbaijani judoists need to be ready to innovations.

As transfers azerisport.com, the first important change concerned refereeing.  If last year fights as experiment were served on a tatami by one referee, now this situation finally became stronger.  The chief arbitrator will have a radio communication with two judges who will take places at the table equipped with system of video control.

Intervention or change of the decision of the judge is carried out by IJF commission, only in exceptional cases (when the mistake which needs to be corrected takes place). For ensuring impartiality and neutral refereeing the system of rotation of judges is used. Trainers can't submit the appeal, but they are allowed to address to the judicial commission of IJF to listen to arguments of the commission on change of the decision of the judge on a tatami.

It is also interesting to note and estimates of technical actions of judoists. To give a great value ipponу(flawless victory) receptions are taken into consideration with real the expressed falling by a back on a tatami only. The assessment is given in a case when as a result of carrying out the reception, attacked falls on all back. When when falling there is a rift without direct falling on a back, estimates "ippon" aren't present. This point is very important and will remain invariable throughout all qualification period.

Thus, all situations connected with a landing on "bridge" have to qualify as "ippon". This decision is made for safety of athletes that they didn't try to leave from defeat, endangering cervical vertebras.

The system of punishments - "shido" corrected also. During fight the participant can be warned three times, the announcement of the fourth "shido" conducts to disqualification. And, punishment doesn't give advantage to the rival in estimates. At the end of fight if the account equal, is won by who has less than preventions. If fight passes into "golden score" (at equality of estimates and punishments in the main meeting), loses the first received "shido", or wins the first, received an assessment for productive technical action. 


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