Whom the Ukrainian judoists for New Year's holidays dressed up, being children?
All of us a sort from the childhood! And for each child New year it something bigger, than the beginning of a calendar season. Round dances round a fir-tree, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden who prepare gifts for children of the whole world … All these memoirs help us, irrespective of age, forever to remain though a little children.
The Ukrainian judoists shared with us memories of a holiday from the childhood.
"For New Year's holidays I arrived to parents to Hmelnitsky area, long ago them didn't see, - tells the first number of the national team of Ukraine in weight over 78 kg Irina Kindzerskaya. – I will meet the 2014th in the bosom of the family. At once I want to note that I don't take alcohol therefore for me the holiday heavy doesn't become. We with mother plan to prepare tasty dishes, on New Year's Eve all we will communicate, share together impressions about the expiring year.
When I was small, that, as well as all children, waited for Father Frost who under a striking of a clock had to bring gifts. I very much rejoiced when found them under a fir-tree! It were dolls, toys – parents always gave me that I wanted! Even now, when I already adult, they to me all the same put gifts under a fir-tree.

In the childhood I had many suits, changed them every year! On carnivals I dressed up in a garden and initial classes of school a snowflake, the Little Red Riding Hood, a bear cub and even the devil! I was imposed by all these images, everyone is in own way interesting".
And here the winner of the recent Grand Prix of Korea Sergey Drebot (73 kg) on New Year's Eve was "kitten"!

"This suit to me sewed the grandmother with the grandfather, I acted in is mute on morning performances, told verses to Father Frost. In general, New Year's holidays at me associate with mine the grandmother and the grandfather at whom I spent a lot of time. We always went together to choose a fir-tree, dressed up it. And then under this fir-tree I found gifts. Now I plan to meet the 2014th in native Lviv, together with friends", - Sergey tells.
Snowflake, but what! According to the bronze winner of the last European championship Galina Tarasova (+78 kg), in the childhood for New year it dressed up in very picturesque representative of the Arctic precipitation. "In a garden I was a Snow Maiden, and already at school dressed up in a snowflake suit. Big - big - big - oh such snowflake! (laughs – a bus) Frankly speaking, the main memoirs are connected with a fir-tree – very much it was pleasant to dress up it, to accept gifts. The most memorable that to me presented is Umk's toy polar bear.

How I will note New year this time? In a circle native and friends! Mood excellent, I make purchases. I already bought someone gifts, to someone else isn't present. I will open a secret: generally it is equipment – phone, the camera …".
And here the leader of the national team of Ukraine Georgy Zantaraya (66 kg) should carry out Father Frost's functions! His little son David is only one and a half years old, and the young father puzzles now – that to it to present?

"David has many toys," - Georgy tells. - "We with the wife Olya regularly to it buy something, I bring from abroad. To admit, I thought to buy David for New year a small kimono, but then I changed the mind. It already had a kimono, he grew up from it. The matter is that, most likely, David will go in the footsteps of parents and too will be the judoist. I while on trainings with myself don't take it, it still the small. And here somewhere in a half-year will go with me.
We will meet new, 2014th year by tradition in the family circle. What to me it was remembered from my childhood? The most memorable is the whole box of kinders which to me the father presented for New year! I don't know where it took them (laughs – a bus). And so, I didn't receive huge gifts. But itself always I loved and now I like to make gifts! ".
In turn, the Federation of judo of Ukraine congratulates all athletes, trainers, functionaries, fans of judo and all - all on coming holidays! Let the 2014th will bring you success, will present a good health and will provide the peace sky over the head.