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Abdullo Tangriyev started active trainings

Tuesday, 31 December 2013, 10:48
Abdullo Tangriyev started active trainings

The silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games in Beijing, the all-around champion of the world on judo Abdullo Tangriyev started active trainings.

As reports information portal 12uz.com, it was declared by the president of Federation of judo of Uzbekistan Armen Bagdasarov.
We will remind that in 2012 in the run-up to the Olympic Games in London Tangriyev was debarred for two years from competitions and this term of disqualification expires in June, 2014.
"Judging by responses of trainers during the last educational and training collecting, it starts entering a form. The special program of preparation for the major tournaments of the 2014th is developed for it. For us it is important that it approached to them in a good form not only physically, but also psychologically. To pass two years — it isn't simple for any athlete. But strong character, Abdullah's will, I think, will play a role. It, first of all, will prove to itself(himself)" — Armen Bagdasarov summarized.
It should be noted that from May, 2014 to May, 2016 those points which are scored with the athlete in a world rating, they will be already added on to the Olympic licenses. Therefore Tangriyev has good chances to win the permit to the Olympic Games in Brazil.


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