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Strangers children don't happen

Friday, 27 December 2013, 10:56
Strangers children don't happen

Representatives of Federation of judo of Ukraine visited kids from orphanage "Nadezhda".

All children of the world cry in one language … Be it successors of rich parents or kids which never learn parental heat, love and care. Naturally, we can't return to orphans their lost carefree childhood, no gifts are capable to give to the child feeling of that he – someone's native child. Nevertheless, in our forces to make so that children who have no parents, at least for a moment forgot about the difficult destiny and opened for itself new, hitherto the unknown world.

Sports, and in particular – judo can quite be such world! For example, the champion of Ukraine Svetlana Yaryomka grew without parents, it brought up the uncle and the aunt. Thanks to these people Sveta found herself in society and could be realized on a tatami. As anything else says its example that the orphanhood is not a sentence! Each child – irrespective of the life situation – can embody dream in reality. And we can help them to understand that dream – actually not dream, and the purpose to which it is possible and it is necessary to aspire.

The orphanage "Nadezhda" is located in the village Mokrets (Kiev region, Brovarskoy the area). In it lives 18 orphan children, mainly age of initial classes. Children and girls very quick and vigorous! We decided to acquaint them with our sport: who knows, there can be in the future someone from them will want to connect the life with judo?

"It was very interesting to watch kids when they with amazement watched a master class performed by the age-mates! - the senior trainer of the national team of Ukraine Vitaly Dubrova speaks. – When we told them that such judo – was visible that children not up to the end understand about what there is a speech. But, as we know, a picture is worth a thousand words! Amplitude throws performed by children whom we brought for a master class, lit in the opinion of kids an inquisitiveness and delight spark".

And how Sergey Kaznov's pupils showed to the little audience judo elements, the most courageous of them were called on a tatami! Under Vitaly Dubrovy's sensitive supervision, they learned to throw the rival through a back and even to do cuttings.

After the small improvised training, Svetlana Yaryomka presented to kids a sports equipment and advised each of them to trust in the star.

"Nobody knows that to it is prepared destiny. Anyway, we have to be reconciled with that is, and, remembering it, to go only forward! - addressing to kids, Svetlana told. - You still very small, but won't manage to blink also an eye as the childhood will pass and youth will begin. The most important at this time – to choose the correct way. Probably, it is so easy for me to communicate with you because and I had a difficult life situation. Despite everything, I could become professional athlete, visit more than 50 countries of the world and feel the mass of positive emotions! I would like that you remembered that the exit is always. The main thing - to look for it, and never to be given! ".

It is the first, but it is far not the last social project of Federation of judo of Ukraine. We believe that thanks to our visit to orphanage "Nadezhda" someone from these kids will become interested in sports and will save itself from all temptations of the street.


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