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The head coach of Yakutia on judo is appointed

Wednesday, 25 December 2013, 10:26
The head coach of Yakutia on judo is appointed

At the meeting which has taken place in these days of trainer's structure by the new head coach of federation of RS(Ya) on judo Damdindorzh GOMBODORZh before holding a post of the senior trainer is appointed.

Achievements of his pupils speak about Damdin's professionalism as the trainer – prize-winners of various competitions best of all. Here progress of one only 2013. Nyurguyana NIKIFOROVA won "silver" on the World Gymnasiade in Brazil. In National championship among men in St. Petersburg Gombodorzh Batdorzh became the seventh and was a reserve part of Russian men's national team. Valery TOKUNOV, Maryam ESERKEEVA, Christina BOYARKINA got bronze awards of the final of the VI summer Sports contest of pupils of Russia which passed in Penza.
According to colleagues their choice is caused also by that Damdin enjoys big authority not only at the pupils that is quite natural, but also judoists have republics as a whole.
The new head coach already started execution of the duties.
Damdindorzh Gombodorzh  
Tosontsengel of the Hubsugulsky region of Mongolia was born on May 7, 1983 in the village;
In 1993 arrived on a constant place a residence to the city of Yakutsk;
In 2001 left Zhataysky comprehensive secondary school of N2;
In 2002 executed the standard of the master of sports of Russia for judo.
In 2007 graduated from faculty of oil, gas and technological machines of the Siberian federal university (Krasnoyarsk) as an engineer. 
Since January, 2009 began trainer's career by the teacher of judo of GBOU RSS "School of the Olympic Reserve of a Name of Roman Mikhaylovich Dmitriyev".
Since September, 2012 to the present works as the judo coach at chair of wrestling of Institute of physical culture and sport of SVFU of a name of M. K. Ammosov.
In March, 2011 it is elected the senior coach of the Youthful national team on judo of RS(Ya) and the responsible trainer for preparation of the national team for MSI "Children of Asia-2012".


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