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The first open New Year's tournament on judo

Monday, 23 December 2013, 13:36
The first open New Year's tournament on judo

On December 21 in Magadan the first open New Year's children's tournament on judo on prizes of the chairman of Northeast bank JSC Sberbank of Russia took place. It passed on the platform of Sports palace "Sparta" .

With welcome speech the governor of the Magadan region V. Pecheny made a speech at a ceremony of opening of tournament.

With the parting speech to finals the initiator of carrying out tournament, the chairman of Northeast bank A.Zolotaryov addressed to athletes: "You chose surprising and very harmonious sport which brings up not only physical force, but also mind, nobility. Judo it isn't simple test for durability and endurance, it, first of all, self-improvement. Today I wish each of you good luck and a victory. Victories, first of all, over itself! It is sure that each your exit to a tatami will be spectacular and fascinating, and wrestling – honest!"

Main objectives and tasks which were set for themselves by organizers of a sporting event is a promotion of a healthy lifestyle, involvement of children and teenagers to regular occupations by physical culture and sport, development and promoting of wrestling of judo among them, and also increase of sports skill of young judoists.

"The Savings Bank very seriously treats sports – it is an integral part of our corporate culture and life, – A. Zolotaryov noted. – Staff of bank has values which closely intertwine with the code of honor of judoists and qualities which each of engaged in this sport – martial art has to possess: modesty, courage, sincerity, fidelity to friendship, respect for people around".

Part in competitions took more than 130 young Kolyma athletes having the sports category or the corresponding physical preparation on this sport. Judoists in two age groups 2000-2001 and 2002-2003 in 24 weight categories competed.

All winners and prize-winners of tournament were awarded by medals and diplomas of the chairman of Northeast bank. Besides, all participants of competitions received New Year's gifts from Sberbank.

The bank made the decision on carrying out similar tournaments annually, the press service of Northeast bank of Sberbank of Russia reports.


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