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In Khakassia opened a new hall of judo

Thursday, 19 December 2013, 11:02
In Khakassia opened a new hall of judo

The day before for sports community of Khakassia there was a pleasant and long-awaited event. In Montenegro in the hostel building on st. Kalininф, 17 opened the new modern hall of wrestling of judo.

Part in this sign event for the city was taken by city heads and federations of judo of Khakassia, and also young judoists of the city of coal miners.
The deputy minister on sports of Khakassia Victor Strukov at survey of a new sport construction noted that the hall became the real gift for young athletes on Eve New Year , the press service of the Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy of RH reports.
In 2010 approximately in the same time the hall of wrestling judo in Abakan which enjoys today wide popularity at fans of this sport was open.
The judo hall in Chernogorsk is constructed thanks to collaboration of a city administration and republican federation of judo. Municipal authorities allocated rooms under a training platform, and also helped with sport stock acquisition. Works on repair and finishing of a hall were assumed by judo Federation, the big contribution was made by her president Vyacheslav Leskov who sincerely supports judo development in Chernogorsk.
In a new hall of young athletes meets not only a direct platform for wrestling. The shower, trainer's room and locker room are here too equipped. The hall has a separate entrance. On carrying out all works less than two months left. Daily in a hall five groups of boys and little girls people everyone will be engaged till 15-16.


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