In Dnepropetrovsk took place the absolute judo championship of the city among young men of 1998-2003 year of birth .
The absolute power single combats championships – perhaps, the most spectacular competitions. The status of the absolute championship assumes that for a victory in it athletes of absolutely different weight categories can battle. On the one hand, sometimes it can look paradoxical when in a ring or the two-meter giant and the robust fellow agree on a tatami, breathing to it in a navel. But actually such duels become not "beating of babies", and gripping show. After all athletes of different weight categories have various tactics of conducting the fight, different speed, reaction, power receptions. "Kid" will answer strength of the heavy athlete with speed, the cascade of the cuttings and throws. It adds to staginess duels that, of course, it is pleasant to the audience.
However, in the absolute judo championship of Dnepropetrovsk among young men (which it was carried out at the initiative of the Dnepropetrovsk city federation of judo to city SDYuSShOR No. 6) restrictions on weight after all were. Making fight correct. It was decided that in a younger age category (wrestlers of 2002/03 year of birth) athletes from 50 kg and heavier can compete. In the middle age (2000/01 year of birth) – from 55 kg. Among the senior children (1998/99) – 60 kg aren't easier. Restrictions on the maximum weight weren't any.
In total SDYuSShOR No. 6, SK "Judo Dnepr" participated in the championship, city DYuSSh, DYuSSh "Lada", KDYuSSh "Assembler", ODYuSSh "Spartak" of 46 athletes representing Dnepropetrovsk school of physical culture. The most spectacular fights took place in the senior age group where young fighters showed high level of tactical, physical, psychological preparation. And final fight between Daniel Israfilov and Leonid Bulanny became original decoration of tournament. Much smaller the rival on the weight and growth, but fast, explosive Daniel resisted very adequately, successfully carried out power receptions. And with what delight the overflowed tribunes watched this battle of "David" and "Goliath"! And at some instant it seemed that the victory remains for "kid". But atletichny Leonid after all pressurized the opponent.
Winners of the absolute championship became:
Age category 1998/99:
Leonid Bulanny (No. 6 SDYuSShOR);
Daniel Israfilov (DUFK);
Vladislav Moshensky (DUFK) and Nikita Matlashevsky (DUFK).
Age category 2000/01 y.r. :
Dmitry Burchak (No. 6 SDYuSShOR);
Artem Geniyevsky (SC "Judo Dnepr", KDYuSSh "Assembler");
Igor Ishchenko (ODYuSSh "Spartak") and Mikhail Lakiza (city DYuSSh).
Age category 2002/03 y.b :
Alexander Zarubin (city DYuSSh);
Nazar Prus (SC "Judo Dnepr", KDYuSSh "Assembler");
Vladislav Pedosenko (SC "Judo Dnepr", No. 6 SDYuSShOR) and Kirill Sidorov (SC "Judo Dnepr").