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The X traditional tournament on judo

Monday, 16 December 2013, 10:24
The X traditional tournament on judo

In Yekaterinburg took place the X traditional tournament on judo of memory of the Hero of Russia Leonid Valov

In Yekaterinburg the tenth tournament on the judo, devoted to memory of the Hero of Russia of the first commander of SOBR Organized Crime Control Department Municipal Department of Internal Affairs of Sverdlovsk region Leonid Valov took place.
About 170 athletes of 14-16 years took part in tournament from Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk areas, Perm Krai, other regions of the country, and also Kazakhstan.
Action began with solemn creation of participants of tournament. The national anthem then the gathered remembered a feat of the militia colonel Leonid Grigoryevich Valov which tragicly was died on December 15, 1995 during special operation at break of blockade of commandant's office of city Gudermes . For memory of the Hero observed a minute of silence.
Opened competitions the president of Sverdlovsk regional federation of judo Sergey Kolesnikov, the chief of GU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on Sverdlovsk region Mikhail Borodin, the former commander of SOBR GU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on URFO gentleman Ordena Muzhestva Vadim Elfimov, acting employees of SOBR GU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on URFO and Sverdlovsk region, friends and Leonid Grigoryevich's relatives.
Addressing to participants, they wished them success in sports and fair victories. Guests of honor reminded participants that behind heat of fight it is impossible to forget about the prime target of competitions – transfer of experience, a unification and friendship between athletes, teams.
By judges in nine categories are defined 36 winners and prize-winners.
The widow Geroya who was present on tournament of Russia Nina Efimovna Valova expressed appreciation words to organizers, participants and guests of action who remember a feat of her husband and revere his memory.


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