Eight pupils of club of judo of Kuzbass together with the head coach of combined area Mazami Matsushito depart on educational and training collecting to Japan.
Within three weeks the Kuzbass athletes should live and train in the rising sun country. Our fellow countrymen in common with Russian national teams and Japan will comprehend ancient martial art. Let's remind, it not the first trip of kuzbassovets to Japan. Last year the group of athletes visited the judo homeland. Tomorrow pupils of club of judo of Kuzbass leave to Novosibirsk, from where by plane will go to Vladivostok, and then to Tokyo.
— First, this trip is important that it first of all experience. All fans of judo know that the Japanese school very powerful and stay in it inspires children. After last year's collecting our athletes showed very good results because trained with masters from Japan and Russian national team. Level of preparation of these athletes is higher therefore our children see to what it to aspire. When Japanese give classes in the techniques, with certain loadings, our children are inspired and it suffices for long time. It is very powerful emotional lifting — told to Sibdepo the executive director of club of judo of Kuzbass Taymuraz Basiyev.
Tatyana Savelyev