In Obukhovo came to the end Superiority of the Moscow region. This year the first selection stage young men situated near Moscow, girls, juniors and yuniorka carry out in at one time and in one place.
Hall in Obukhovo - a convenient platform for carrying out starts of this sort: four tatami, convenient exit from the locker rooms, two tribunny sections. Besides here it is easy to reach from different corners of area. The large centers of development of judo in the region are in the north – in Dmitrov and in the east – in Noginsk, Electrostal and Orekhovo-Zuyevo. So it was convenient and simple to majority of athletes to reach to a tournament venue. For the same who arrived from far away, accommodation in local sanatorium was organized.
"We decided to shift traditional terms of carrying out regional superiority because in the end of the year a large number of good strong tournaments is carried out. But because of preparation for official starts many athletes should refuse participation in these actions. And carrying out two superiority in the same terms and in one hall will allow to save at once forces, time and finance for teams", - the president of FDMO Igor Fedorov commented on a situation. – "Interest was shown also by local administration in the person of the head of the city settlement Obukhovo Nikolay Sushchenko".
"Sports development in our municipality is the priority direction of youth policy. The mayor, meeting and board of directors were completely consolidated in this regard and joint efforts in one and a half years achieved big successes. Support of different types of sports and regular carrying out bright sporting events allowed to involve in occupations and a healthy lifestyle of one hundred citizens, adults and children. The administration is interested in judo development in our city and I see big prospects in collaboration with Federation of judo of the Moscow region. We already managed to carry out in common Superiority of the Central federal district, the international training camp, and now and Superiority of the Moscow region. We help with carrying out tournaments by everything, than we can" - head of Obukhovo told.
The administration also provided prize fund of competitions and presented to winners of all weight categories of a kimono.
In the first day of competitions wrestling of a medal of superiority was conducted by young men till 18 years. In total to a tatami there were 182 judoists. Teams from Electrostal, Dmitrov, Solnechnogorsk, Dzerzhinsk and Shchelkovo were the most representative.
"Because of change of age categories which happened in last year, athletes of 1997-1998 appeared in some failure. Losing on selection competitions to wrestlers of the 96th year they didn't get due experience of fight on superiority of the district and Russia. Therefore level of fight of present young men is lower than in previous years. But leaders who proved in a season-2012, in the majority well fought and on this tournament.
Behind some exceptions. Last year's leaders Gunyaev and Aliyev didn't prove to be. But well Abuladze, Ulizko, Kolesnikov, Schwyz, Soil looked … Kargayev, having passed to an absolyutka, very successfully diluted this category. It is a lot of young interesting, but still inexperienced athletes. They well spoke at local tournaments, but, I think, while it will be difficult to them to compete at the level of the district and Russia", - the head coach of the combined Moscow region Avel Kazachenkov shared impressions of preliminary part of competitions.
Together with young athletes on obukhovsky tatamis left their senior colleagues, but not in a kimono, and in judicial suits.
"On superiority there arrived many young children who want to judge and already have experience on competitions. All of them show good level of understanding of wrestling and knowledge of rules, penetrate and try to estimate actions of athletes most precisely. Mistakes, of course, are available, but they insignificant are more connected with uncertainty which is peculiar to many beginning experts. These mistakes are expressed in overdue punishments for passivity and "dirty" wrestling, and as by some understating of estimates for the carried-out receptions. These errors are in due time corrected by more skilled referees in the commission and the senior judge", - the chief judge of competitions Mikhail Lipatkin commented on work of young judges.
Winners of Superiority became: Hmel Kirill (46 kg), Maslennikov Nikolay (50 kg), Abuladze Iago (55 kg), Romanov Anton (60 kg), Gruntov Alexey (66 kg), Chistyakov Vladislav (73 kg), Prokhorov Sergey (81 kg), Shalimov Alexander (90 kg) and Kargayev Alexander (+90 kg).
Athletes from Electrostal became winners in a team competition of Superiority. The second place was won by pupils of Dynamo Dmitrov school, on the third line of standings - Klimovsk judoists.
"Our children acted well, but could better. Many arrived on superiority after an illness. In preparation we find a lot of time for working off of technical and tactical actions on a tatami. We look for for each athlete unique receptions. We teach children to approach to fight "with the head"", - commented on success of the team Nikolay Prosyannikov from Electrostal.
Tournament among girls took place next day. Unfortunately, the number of young sportswomen was small - only 24 judoists arrived to be overcome for Superiority medals. But the heat, a spirit with which girls came to a carpet, at all didn't concede, and can even surpassed passion of young men.
Winners of tournament became: Emelyanenko Anna (40 kg), Karavanova Maria (44 kg), Polyakova Irina (48 kg), Samozhenova Irina (52 kg), Mareeva Tatyana (57 kg), Zolotaryova Anastasia (63 kg), Shenshina Victoria (70 kg) and Irzhanova Vera (+70 kg).
Margarita Smirnova, Dmitrov