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Cup of Russia on judo in Novy Urengoy

Sunday, 24 November 2013, 11:50
Cup of Russia on judo in Novy Urengoy

Day the first. New champions in Novy Urengoy

For the first time in the Russian history responsible start – the Cup of Russia on judo passes in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, in the city Novy Urengoy — informal to "the gas capital" the countries. Urengoy met participants and guests of tournament whom gathered about four hundred of all ten federal districts of the country, a frost for 20 degrees and a gaze.

On Saturday on a tatami of a sports complex of JSC Gazprom dobycha Yamburg the first seven sets of awards were played: in three categories at women - 70, 78 both over 78 kg, and four scales at men – 81, 90, 100 and over 100 kg.

At solemn opening of competitions the vice-president of Federation of judo of Russia Valentin Habirov read the address of the President of FDR of Vasily Anisimov to guests and participants of tournament. In it, in particular, it is spoken: "A cup of Russia on judo – one of the most important tournaments of a domestic calendar. Many leaders of today's TOP TEAM have in the collections of an award of similar competitions. The victory on the Cup of Russia is not only skill and status confirmation at the level of the country, but also the next step to tops of world judo. The domestic national team was done always strong by the athletes trained in volunteer sports societies and departments. The army, Dynamo, Manpower reserves, Crop, etc. were reliable "suppliers" of talents in a national team. I hope that the Cup of Russia-2013 in Novy Urengoy will promote strengthening of the Russian national team and becomes excellent incentive for judo occupations at children and teenagers of the city, the district and Russia as a whole".

Soldiers as a result rose by the top step of a pedestal under the Russian tricolor: Alan Shekhinayev (81 kg) from Ossetia, Dmitry Dovgan (90) from Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Haybula Magomedov (100) representing Dagestan and the Volga region, Dynamo members: David Bitiyev (+100) from the Moscow region and Vera Moskalyuk (78) from Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, and also Margarita Gurtsiyeva representing to the Ministry of Education (70) from Ossetia and the judoist from the society "Rural Athletes" Svetlana Fedoseenko (+78) from the Novosibirsk region.

Alan ShEHINAEV who has won gold in one of the most numerous categories - 81 kg where for awards 42 persons fought became opening of competitions in Novy Urengoy. Not making till this day any noticeable successes on large competitions, the soldier from Ossetia could pass in the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area to the ending, having beaten southerner Kudaynetov, representatives of North Caucasus federal district of Dzuyev and Akhmadov, and the judoist from the Central federal district Sergey Popov in a semi-final. Shekhinayev got gold of tournament without fight – his rival on the main meeting, the champion of Europe among youth and fellow countryman Alan Hubetsov didn't come to the ending.

The comment of the winner to journalists was short: "I was very tired today. Even without any final fight".

The third place in this category was divided by Dynamo members Sergey Popov (Central federal district), deduction won against Souleyman Vyshegurov (North Caucasus federal district), and Aydamir Tyulparov (Southern Federal District), a beautiful throw achieved a victory in the small ending over Arbi Akhmadov (North Caucasus federal district).

90 kg

Improved the last year's result the silver prize-winner of the Cup of the country Dmitry DOVGAN. The medallist of youth Superiority of Russia-2013 the Ural judoist in Novy Urengoy got the best of the athlete from North Caucasus federal district Yusupov, then beat southerner Shirobokov and Ural resident Zasokhov, in a semi-final won against Evgeny Maksimov (Central federal district), and in a decisive meeting was stronger than the bronze prize-winner of last Cup Alexander Bolatayev (Ural federal district).

"A month ago I quite successfully acted on the Cup of Europe in Sweden, took there the second place, - the winner told. - So gold in Urengoy – good continuation of a season. I am engaged in judo 11 years and judo – all my life. Happened, I lost, but always I consider defeats as a lesson giving new experience. After loss always it is necessary to do a correction of mistakes and to go further. As for fight on the Cup of Russia, that the meeting in the ending was difficult. We already fought more than once on different tournaments, but here it was especially difficult. Fortunately, I managed to win. In Urengoy everything was pleasant to me: registration, hall, beautifully made everything. It is very happy that to many people arrived to be overcome".

Bronze medals in this weight received Evgeny Maksimov (the Central federal district, MO), won Muscovite Kirill Bogachyov (VS), and Siberian Edward Nikitas (Dynamo) who has left without an award of Adlan Eskirkhanova (North Caucasus federal district, Dynamo).

100 kg

The vice-champion of youth Superiority of Europe-2011 soldier Haybula MAGOMEDOV (North Caucasus federal district-Volga federal district) became the strongest in heavy weight, having left behind on board Fomitchyov(Central federal district), Barkalayeva and Eldiyev (North Caucasus federal district) – in preliminary tournament, and having clean beaten the soldier from Ossetia Merab Margiyev (North Caucasus federal district) – in a final duel.

"On the way to the ending I especially didn't risk, wanted to reach nevertheless pedestal top, - the champion after rewarding told. - In the ending I could win the ippony. Recently prepared together with the national team and very much I want to be fixed in it and to get on Games, having passed "in the footsteps of" my fellow countryman Tagir Haybulayev. The rival on the ending Margiyev - the strong fighter. I risked the first and it is successful - achieved "ippon". I thank all native, relatives and friends that supported me.

Many ask, whether cold weather that costs in Urengoy disturbs me. No, the cold doesn't confuse me. I think, change of climate and conditions is a positive moment which teaches the athlete to adapt for different conditions".

Representatives of North Caucasus federal district Ali Eldiyev (Dynamo) and the champion of Russia Arsene Omarov (VS) rose by the third step of a pedestal, won the small endings Movla Bisultanov (North Caucasus federal district) and Pavel Bazanov (Ural federal district) respectively.

One more skilled athlete – the vice-champion of Russia Dynamo member David of BITIEV (Central federal district) took priority in competitions of the supertyazhy – over 100 kg. To the ending it was led by victories over Ural resident Pilipchuk, native of the Volga region Balyanov, the athlete from the Central federal district Bobikov and the numerous medallist of the championship of Russia, the owner of the Cup of the country-2008 Dynamo member Soslan Bostanov (Ural federal district). In the additional period of a final duel the Ural judoist made a mistake – took Bitiyev for a foot, for what was disqualified.

"Easy fights weren't, - the new champion told. - I won the first two meetings deduction. In a semi-final it was necessary hardly - on a meeting course I conceded, but could recoup and held a victory. In the ending it was very heavy, it was banished in Novy Urengoy by the strongest athlete in category. We well know each other, on collecting we carry out sparrings. But I slightly was lucky at the end of fight. It conducted according to remarks, but, I think, got a bit tired simply a little. This victory is very valuable to me, after all usually I act in category to 100 kg, and here fought in супертяже. I decided to try – and it turned out. Before heavier rivals I didn't feel any fear. In the championship of Russia in St. Petersburg I fought in absolute category so experience is. For the first time in so northern region. The city yet didn't consider properly. Yesterday, however, I froze a little when we in shop left. Though we ran both there, and back. Frankly speaking, I in general, I wasn't going to participate in the Cup, thought to have a rest, but then changed the decision and I am not sorry. Since December 1 at us again collecting, and after New year will go the international tournaments".

Bronze medallists in category over 100 kg became Dynamo members Roman Bobikov (Central federal district) and Sergey Andreev (Volga federal district) who has beaten in fights for awards according to Dmitry Balyanov (Volga federal district) and Vladimir Trusov (Central federal district).

In all three categories at women the victory was celebrated by sportswomen already known to experts.

70 kg

The prize-winner of the championships and superiority of Russia Margarita of GURTsIEVA (North Caucasus federal district) submitting to the Ministry of Education, in Novy Urengoy held five meetings on a tatami and all won five. Prostrate remained Potapov, Sivenkov's southerner from the Central federal district, Kulneva and Suprunova from Siberian federal district. In Gurtsiyev's ending in a little more than one minute beautifully I got the best of the winner of youth national championship-2013 Lyudmila Galushkoy (mo)) from the Novosibirsk region.

"Day developed successfully though I am happy with the fight not up to the end. I was not in the best form. After summer University games where I was traumatized, it was long restored, couldn't fight. In Urengoy there was my first start. In spite of the fact that I quickly enough managed to win in the ending, Lyudmila - very inconvenient rival. We didn't fight against it earlier, but on collecting saw each other more than once. According to the plan I needed to begin rigidly a duel with it and I, having implemented the plan, achieved a victory.

Because of a flight delay flight to Urengoy was long, but as it seems to me, athletes got used to everything. Terrible I in it didn't see anything. We have a fine North Caucasus federal district team where children sponsor, preserve and support girls. In such team easily and comfortably always".

On the third line of the final protocol appeared Irina Alekseeva (Ural federal district, Dynamo), won the small ending Siberian Julia Suprunova (Rural athletes), and Alla Kulneva (Siberian federal district, MO), overcome Diana Bikbova (Volga federal district, FSO "Russia").

78 kg

The deserved master of sports, the champion of Europe the Vera MOSKALYuK in the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area put the next gold in the moneybox. In not numerous category – only nine participants, the sportswoman from "Dynamo" for a victory were necessary to win four duels: southerner Levchenko, Loseva(Central federal district), Busygina (Ural federal district) and one more representative of the Center – Daina Ambartsumova (Locomotive).

Near Moskalyuk at the third step of a pedestal took place Olesya Alipova (the Central federal district, MO), deduction won in the small ending at Busygina (Ural federal district, Dynamo), and Tatyana Zyryanova (Ural federal district), beaten to Julius Losev (to the Central federal district, Dynamo).

Over 78 kg

Skilled Siberian Svetlana FEDOSEENKO (Rural athletes, the Novosibirsk Region) won a victory in female heavyweight, having suppressed resistance Anastasia Pavlova(Central federal district), Diana Davtyan (Moscow), Darya Karpova (Far East federal district) and deduction having achieved an early victory on the second minute of the ending with other Siberian - Snezhana Belozerova (MO) from the Altai territory.

"Day passed remarkably and a result for me - very good, - the winner rejoiced. - In 2012 I was on the Cup the second, and in it is the first. Novy Urengoy brought me a new rank and I am very glad. Thanks to the trainer! Wrestling was simply remarkable. Who looked, that will understand about what I speak. We since the childhood are familiar with Snezhana, it is possible to tell grew together. It is difficult to surprise each other already. When rivals are familiar, fight turns out much more tensely".

The third prize-winners of tournament became the representative of the Far East Darya Karpova (Dynamo), according to remarks won the small ending at Anastasia Andreeva (the Central federal district, Dynamo), and the Muscovite Alexandra Babintseva (VS) who has got the best of the Saratov judoist Julia Lyanichenko (Volga federal district, VS).

On Sunday, in the second competitive day, representatives of a strong half will play four more sets of medals – 60, 66, 73 and 81 kg, and among women the strongest in three categories will be defined – 48, 52 and 57 kg.

Marina Mayorova, FDR


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