In the third day of internal superiority which took place in Kharkov, among themselves by the principle "a wall on a wall" teams of the cities, sports clubs and regions of Ukraine battled.
To your attention results of team competitions:
1 place – Kiev
2 place - the Lvov Region.
3 place – SC "Typhoon" (Dnepropetrovsk)
3 place – SC "Dinamo-Sileyr" (Dnepropetrovsk)
1 place – the Dnepropetrovsk Region.
2 place – Kiev
3 place – the Chernigov Region.
3 place – the Donetsk Region (the first team)
More detailed results will appear on our site soon.
Let's add that during the championship of Ukraine, according to requirements of Federation of judo of Ukraine and National Olympic committee, elections in the commission of athletes took place. All members of regular team took part in vote. Following the results of vote, five athletes were delegated to the commission of athletes: George Zantaraya, Sergey Drebot, Artem Bloshenko, Denis Dudchik and Irina Kindzerskaya.